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transfered price tracker
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Shubham committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent e5302df commit 563a09d
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Showing 7 changed files with 470 additions and 0 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions src/sample_showrunners/priceTracker/priceTrackerChannel.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
import { Inject, Service } from 'typedi';
import { Logger } from 'winston';
import config from '../../config';
import settings from './priceTrackerSettings.json';
import { EPNSChannel } from '../../helpers/epnschannel';
import keys from './priceTrackerKeys.json';
import { PushAPI, CONSTANTS } from '@pushprotocol/restapi';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import axios from 'axios';

import { priceTrackerModel, priceTrackerGlobalModel, priceTrackerTokenModel } from './priceTrackerModel';

const bent = require('bent'); // Download library

const NETWORK_TO_MONITOR = config.web3TestnetSepoliaNetwork;

export default class PricetrackerChannel extends EPNSChannel {
model: any;
constructor(@Inject('logger') public logger: Logger, @Inject('cached') public cached) {
super(logger, {
networkToMonitor: NETWORK_TO_MONITOR,
dirname: __dirname,
name: 'Price Tracker',
url: '',
useOffChain: true,

public async triggerUserNotification(simulate) {
const logger = this.logger;

try {
this.logInfo(`🔔🔔Sending notifications`);

// Get New price function call
await this.getNewPrice(simulate);
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`[${new Date(}]-[Price Tracker]- Errored on CMC API... skipped with error: %o`, err);

public async getNewPrice(simulate) {
try {
const logger = this.logger;
logger.debug(`[${new Date(}]-[Pricetracker]-Getting price of tokens... `);

// API URL components and settings
const cmcroute = settings.route;
const cmcEndpoint = settings.cmcEndpoint;
const pollURL = `${cmcEndpoint}${cmcroute}?id=${}&aux=cmc_rank&CMC_PRO_API_KEY=${
settings.cmcKey || config.cmcAPIKey

// Fetching data from the CMC API
let { data } = await axios.get(pollURL);
data =;

// Initalize provider, signer and userAlice for Channel interaction
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(config.web3TestnetSepoliaProvider || settings.providerUrl);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(keys.PRIVATE_KEY_NEW_STANDARD.PK, provider);
const userAlice = await PushAPI.initialize(signer, { env: CONSTANTS.ENV.STAGING });

// Global variables
let i = 1;
let tokenInfo = [];

// Structuring token data info
for (let id in data) {
let tokenPrice = data[id].quote.USD?.price;
let tokenSymbol = data[id].symbol;
let formattedPrice = Number(Number(tokenPrice).toFixed(2));
tokenInfo.push({ symbol: tokenSymbol, price: formattedPrice });

// Global variables from DB
const priceTrackerGlobalData =
(await priceTrackerGlobalModel.findOne({ _id: 'global' })) ||
(await priceTrackerGlobalModel.create({
_id: 'global',
cycles: 0,

// Set CYCLES variable in DB
const CYCLES = priceTrackerGlobalData.cycles;

// Looping for subscribers' data in the channel
while (true) {
const userData: any = await{
page: i,
limit: 10,
setting: true,

if (userData.itemcount != 0) {
} else {
i = 1;

await priceTrackerGlobalModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: 'global' }, { $inc: { cycles: 3 } }, { upsert: true });
const priceTickerGlobalData = await priceTrackerGlobalModel.findOne({ _id: 'global' });

// this.logInfo(`Cycles value after all computation: ${priceTickerGlobalData?.cycles}`);


// Looping through all subscribers here for userSettings
try {
await Promise.all(
userData?.subscribers?.map(async (subscriberObj: { settings: string; subscriber: any }) => {
// Converting String to JS object
let userSettings = JSON.parse(subscriberObj?.settings);

// For merging different token detals in payload
const notifData2 = [];

// Only perform computation if user settings exist
try {
if (userSettings !== null) {

this.logInfo(`Subs ${subscriberObj.subscriber}`);
// Looping through userSettings to handle each userSetting

await Promise.all(
userSettings?.map(async (mapObj, index) => {
// If subscriber is subscribed to the setting
if (mapObj.user == true) {
// Get current price of the token
const currentToken = tokenInfo.find((obj) => obj.symbol === mapObj.description);
const currentPrice = currentToken?.price;

// Get previous token price
const previousPriceData = (await priceTrackerTokenModel.findOne({ _id: mapObj.description }))
? await priceTrackerTokenModel.findOne({ _id: mapObj.description })
: 0;

// Update the new price
await priceTrackerTokenModel.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: mapObj.description },
{ tokenPrevPrice: currentPrice },
{ upsert: true },

// Calculate Change
// const changePercentage = ((Math.abs(Number(currentPrice) - previousPriceData.tokenPrevPrice) / previousPriceData.tokenPrevPrice) * 100).toFixed(2);
const changePercentage = (
((Number(currentPrice) - previousPriceData.tokenPrevPrice) /
previousPriceData.tokenPrevPrice) *

// The 4 conditions here
// index - 9 ---> Time Interval
// index - 10 ---> Price Change
if (userSettings[9]?.enabled == true && userSettings[10]?.enabled == true) {
this.logInfo(`Price Alert & Time Interval Slider case: ${subscriberObj.subscriber}`);

// Fetch user values for settings
let userValueTime = userSettings[9].user ==0 ?3:userSettings[9].user;
let userValuePrice = userSettings[10].user;

// Fetch user last cycle values
const userDBValue =
(await priceTrackerModel.findOne({ _id: subscriberObj.subscriber })) ||
(await priceTrackerModel.create({
_id: subscriberObj.subscriber,
lastCycle: priceTrackerGlobalData.cycles,

`Mapped value of ${userDBValue._id} is ${userDBValue.lastCycle} from both price and time`,
this.logInfo(`User value of ${userDBValue._id} is ${userValueTime} from both price and time`);

// Condition to trigger notification
if (
Math.abs(Number(changePercentage)) >= userValuePrice &&
userDBValue.lastCycle + userValueTime == CYCLES
) {
// UPDATE the users mapped value in DB
await priceTrackerModel.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: subscriberObj.subscriber },
{ lastCycle: CYCLES },
{ upsert: true },
// Build the payload of the notification
const payloadMsg =
Number(changePercentage) > 0
? `Percentage Change (${mapObj.description}): [s:+${Math.abs(
)}% ($ ${currentPrice})]\n `
: `Percentage Change (${mapObj.description}): [d:-${Math.abs(
)}% ($ ${currentPrice})]\n `;
this.logInfo(`Address: ${subscriberObj.subscriber} Data : ${payloadMsg}`);

notifData2.push({ key: `${Math.abs(Number(changePercentage))}`, notif: `${payloadMsg}` });
} else if (userSettings[10]?.enabled == true) {
this.logInfo(`Price Alert Slider only case: ${subscriberObj.subscriber}`);

// Fetch user values for settings
let userValue = userSettings[10].user;

// Condition to trigger notification
if (Math.abs(Number(changePercentage)) >= userValue) {
// Math.abs(Number(changePercentage)) >= userValue
// this.logInfo(`Sending notif to ${userValue}`)

// Build the payload of the notification
const payloadMsg =
Number(changePercentage) > 0
? `Percentage Change (${mapObj.description}): [s:+${Math.abs(
)}% ($ ${currentPrice})]\n `
: `Percentage Change (${mapObj.description}): [d:-${Math.abs(
)}% ($ ${currentPrice})]\n `;

notifData2.push({ key: `${Math.abs(Number(changePercentage))}`, notif: `${payloadMsg}` });
} else if (userSettings[9]?.enabled == true) {
this.logInfo(`Time Interval Slider only case: ${subscriberObj.subscriber}`);

// Fetch user values for settings
let userValue = userSettings[9].user ==0 ?3:userSettings[9].user;

const userDBValue =
(await priceTrackerModel.findOne({ _id: subscriberObj.subscriber })) ||
(await priceTrackerModel.create({
_id: subscriberObj.subscriber,
lastCycle: priceTrackerGlobalData.cycles,

if (userDBValue.lastCycle + userValue == CYCLES) {
// userDBValue.lastCycle + userValue == CYCLES
// userDBValue.lastCycle + 6 == CYCLES
// userValue = 210, CYCLES
// this.logInfo(`This address will receive the notif: ${subscriberObj.subscriber}`);

// UPDATE the users mapped value in DB
await priceTrackerModel.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: subscriberObj.subscriber },
{ lastCycle: CYCLES },
{ upsert: true },

// Build the payload of the notification
const payloadMsg = `${mapObj.description} at [d:$${currentPrice}]\n `;

notifData2.push({ key: `${currentPrice}`, notif: `${payloadMsg}` });
} else {

// Build the payload of the notification
const payloadMsg = `${mapObj.description} at [d:$${currentPrice}]\n `;

notifData2.push({ key: `${currentPrice}`, notif: `${payloadMsg}` });

try {
// Build a payload using the array
const title = 'Token Price Movements';
const message = 'Hey👋! Here is your token movements. Check it out!!';
const payloadTitle = 'Token Price Movement';

let payloadMsg = '';

// Sort array in descending order
const sortedPayload = notifData2.sort((a, b) => b.key - a.key);

for (let i = 0; i < sortedPayload.length; i++) {
payloadMsg += sortedPayload[i].notif;

const payload = {
type: 3, // Type of Notification
notifTitle: title, // Title of Notification
notifMsg: message, // Message of Notification
title: payloadTitle, // Internal Title
msg: payloadMsg, // Internal Message
recipient: subscriberObj.subscriber, // Recipient

// Send a notification only is body exists
if (payload.msg !== '') {
recipient: payload.recipient, // new
title: payload.notifTitle,
message: payload.notifMsg,
payloadTitle: payload.title,
payloadMsg: payloadMsg,
notificationType: 3,
simulate: simulate,
image: null,
} catch (error) {
throw {
error: error,
message: `Error Sending Notification: ${error.message}`,
} catch (error) {
this.logError(`Error Parsing user-settings: ${error.message}`);
} catch (error) {
this.logError(`Error Parsing user-settings: ${error.message}`);
} catch (error) {
this.logError(`💀💀⚡⚡ERROR OCCURED getNewPrice(), ${error.message}`);
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/sample_showrunners/priceTracker/priceTrackerJobs.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Do Scheduling
// * * * * * *
// ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬
// │ │ │ │ │ │
// │ │ │ │ │ └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
// │ │ │ │ └───── month (1 - 12)
// │ │ │ └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
// │ │ └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
// │ └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
// └───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)
// Execute a cron job every 5 Minutes = */5 * * * *
// Starts from seconds = * * * * * *

import logger from '../../loaders/logger';

import { Container } from 'typedi';
import schedule from 'node-schedule';
import PriceTrackerChannel from './priceTrackerChannel';

export default () => {
// wallet tracker jobs
const startTime = new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));

const threeHourRule = new schedule.RecurrenceRule();
threeHourRule.hour = new schedule.Range(0, 23, 3);
threeHourRule.minute = 0;
threeHourRule.second = 0;

const channel = Container.get(PriceTrackerChannel);
channel.logInfo(`-- 🛵 Scheduling Showrunner ${} - Channel [on 3hr ]`);

schedule.scheduleJob({ start: startTime, rule: threeHourRule }, async function () {
const taskName = `${} priceTracker.loadEvents(null) and triggerUserNotification()`;
try {
await channel.triggerUserNotification(true);`${new Date(}] 🐣 Cron Task Completed -- ${taskName}`);
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`${new Date(}] ❌ Cron Task Failed -- ${taskName}`);
logger.error(`${new Date(}] Error Object: %o`, err);
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/sample_showrunners/priceTracker/priceTrackerKeys.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"PK": "0x{Privatekey}",
"CHAIN_ID": "eip115:11155111 (for sepolia)"
"PRIVATE_KEY_OLD_STANDARD": "0x{Privatekey}"

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