A distributed key-value storage prototype to assess the algorithm outlined in my research paper, which has been accepted by ICPP'23.
- 需要支持C++20的编译环境
- 作者测试使用过的最低编译器版本是gcc 11.1.0
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ptbxzrt/happylrc.git
cd happylrc
mkdir 3rd_party
cd 3rd_party
mkdir yalantinglibs gf-complete Jerasure hiredis redis-plus-plus redis
cd ~
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev
git clone https://github.com/alibaba/yalantinglibs.git
cd yalantinglibs
mkdir build && cd build
# 安装在happylrc的3rd_party目录下
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/happylrc/3rd_party/yalantinglibs
# yalantinglibs是header only的库, 直接安装即可, 无需编译
# 安装时报错可以忽略, 只要相关头文件被复制到指定文件夹即可
# 安装完成后, 这些头文件应该在~/happylrc/3rd_party/yalantinglibs/include中
cmake --install .
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ceph/gf-complete.git
cd gf-complete
autoreconf -if
./configure --prefix=~/happylrc/3rd_party/gf-complete
make -j
make install
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/tsuraan/Jerasure.git
cd Jerasure
autoreconf -if
./configure --prefix=~/happylrc/3rd_party/Jerasure
make -j
make install
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/redis/hiredis.git
cd hiredis
make PREFIX=~/happylrc/3rd_party/hiredis
make PREFIX=~/happylrc/3rd_party/hiredis install
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/sewenew/redis-plus-plus.git
cd redis-plus-plus
mkdir build && cd build
# CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH指定已经安装的hiredis的安装路径, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX设置redis-plus-plus将被安装的路径
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/happylrc/3rd_party/hiredis -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/happylrc/3rd_party/redis-plus-plus ..
cmake --build . -j8
cmake --install .
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/redis/redis.git
cd redis
make PREFIX=~/happylrc/3rd_party/redis install
提供了用于单机测试的运行脚本, 若需要部署到集群测试, 需要额外编写脚本
cd ~/happylrc
source compile.sh
// 杀掉进程, 这里需要注意不要将其他同学启动的重要进程杀掉, 如其他同学启动的redis-server
kill -9 $(pidof run_datanode);kill -9 $(pidof run_proxy);kill -9 $(pidof redis-server);kill -9 $(pidof run_coordinator);kill -9 $(pidof run_client)
sh run_redis.sh
sh run_datanode_and_proxy.sh
./build/run_client Azure_LRC strategy_ICPP23_IGNORE_LOAD 12 4 5 1000 4096
- client: 客户端
- coordinator: 保存所有元数据; 制定放置策略; 制定修复策略; 协调proxy进行读、写、修复操作;
- proxy: 每个cluster有1个proxy, 是该cluster与外界通信的媒介
- datanode: 存储数据
写: client会将数据发送个某个cluster的proxy, 该proxy对数据编码生成条带, 然后根据coordinator制定的放置策略将各个块写到指定datanode
读: coordinator随机选择并告诉某个cluster的proxy需要从何处读取哪些块, proxy读取到所需的块后, 将块进行拼接, 恢复原始数据发送给client
修复: coordinator将损坏块所在cluster的proxy指定为main proxy, 若修复操作所需的存活块在其它cluster, 这些cluster的proxy则被coordinator指定为help proxy, main proxy和所有help proxy合作修复损坏块. 具体而言, help proxy从本cluster读取所需存活块, 做partial decoding, 发送给main proxy. main proxy也从本cluster读取所需存活块, 做partial decoding, 然后将自己的partial block和来自help proxy的partial block异或合并, 即可修复得到损坏块