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Fix GetTDewPointFromVapPres in case of discontinuity with GetSatVapPr…
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…es + bound HumRatio for all (#30)

Tightens up checks for handling the minimum value of humidity ratio (now reset to no lower than 1e-7) as well and it resolves the issue in GetTDewPointFromVapPres due to the discontinuity in the formulae in GetSatVapPres -- we restrict iteration to either left or right part of the saturation vapour pressure curve to avoid iterating back and forth across the discontinuity of the curve at the freezing point. When the partial pressure of water vapour is within the discontinuity of GetSatVapPres we simply return the freezing point of water.
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dmey authored Mar 21, 2019
1 parent 91dd95f commit 490e026
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"""int: Maximum number of iterations before exiting while loops.

"""float: Minimum acceptable humidity ratio used/returned by any functions.
Any value above 0 or below the MIN_HUM_RATIO will be reset to this value.

# Helper functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +127,7 @@ def SetUnitSystem(Units: UnitSystem) -> None:
# Define tolerance on temperature calculations
# The tolerance is the same in IP and SI
if Units == IP:
PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE = 0.001 * 9. / 5.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,6 +386,40 @@ def GetRelHumFromVapPres(TDryBulb: float, VapPres: float) -> float:
RelHum = VapPres / GetSatVapPres(TDryBulb)
return RelHum

def dLnPws_(TDryBulb: float) -> float:
Helper function returning the derivative of the natural log of the saturation vapor pressure
as a function of dry-bulb temperature.
TDryBulb : Dry-bulb temperature in °F [IP] or °C [SI]
Derivative of natural log of vapor pressure of saturated air in Psi [IP] or Pa [SI]
ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (2017) ch. 1 eqn 5 & 6
if isIP():
T = GetTRankineFromTFahrenheit(TDryBulb)
if TDryBulb <= 32.:
dLnPws = 1.0214165E+04 / math.pow(T, 2) - 5.3765794E-03 + 2 * 1.9202377E-07 * T \
+ 2 * 3.5575832E-10 * math.pow(T, 2) - 4 * 9.0344688E-14 * math.pow(T, 3) + 4.1635019 / T
dLnPws = 1.0440397E+04 / math.pow(T, 2) - 2.7022355E-02 + 2 * 1.2890360E-05 * T \
- 3 * 2.4780681E-09 * math.pow(T, 2) + 6.5459673 / T
T = GetTKelvinFromTCelsius(TDryBulb)
if TDryBulb <= 0.:
dLnPws = 5.6745359E+03 / math.pow(T, 2) - 9.677843E-03 + 2 * 6.2215701E-07 * T \
+ 3 * 2.0747825E-09 * math.pow(T, 2) - 4 * 9.484024E-13 * math.pow(T, 3) + 4.1635019 / T
dLnPws = 5.8002206E+03 / math.pow(T, 2) - 4.8640239E-02 + 2 * 4.1764768E-05 * T \
- 3 * 1.4452093E-08 * math.pow(T, 2) + 6.5459673 / T

return dLnPws

def GetTDewPointFromVapPres(TDryBulb: float, VapPres: float) -> float:
Return dew-point temperature given dry-bulb temperature and vapor pressure.
Expand All @@ -401,42 +446,59 @@ def GetTDewPointFromVapPres(TDryBulb: float, VapPres: float) -> float:
if isIP():
_BOUNDS = -148, 392
_STEPSIZE = 0.01 * 9 / 5
BOUNDS = [-148, 392]
_BOUNDS = -100, 200
_STEPSIZE = 0.01

TMidPoint = (_BOUNDS[0] + _BOUNDS[1]) / 2. # Midpoint of domain of validity
BOUNDS = [-100, 200]

if VapPres < GetSatVapPres(_BOUNDS[0]) or VapPres > GetSatVapPres(_BOUNDS[1]):
# Validity check -- bounds outside which a solution cannot be found
if VapPres < GetSatVapPres(BOUNDS[0]) or VapPres > GetSatVapPres(BOUNDS[1]):
raise ValueError("Partial pressure of water vapor is outside range of validity of equations")

# Vapor pressure contained within the discontinuity of the Pws function: return temperature of freezing
T_WATER_FREEZE_LOW = T_WATER_FREEZE - PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE / 10. # Temperature just below freezing
T_WATER_FREEZE_HIGH = T_WATER_FREEZE + PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE / 10. # Temperature just above freezing

# Restrict iteration to either left or right part of the saturation vapor pressure curve
# to avoid iterating back and forth across the discontinuity of the curve at the freezing point
# When the partial pressure of water vapor is within the discontinuity of GetSatVapPres,
# simply return the freezing point of water.
if (VapPres < PWS_FREEZE_LOW):
elif (VapPres > PWS_FREEZE_HIGH):

# We use NR to approximate the solution.
# First guess
TDewPoint = TDryBulb # Calculated value of dew point temperatures, solved for iteratively

lnVP = math.log(VapPres) # Partial pressure of water vapor in moist air

while True:
TDewPoint_iter = TDewPoint # Value of Tdp used in NR calculation
# Step - negative in the right part of the curve, positive in the left part
# to avoid going past the domain of validity of eqn. 5 and 6
# when TDewPoint_iter is close to its bounds
if TDewPoint_iter > TMidPoint:
StepSize = -_STEPSIZE
StepSize = _STEPSIZE
index = 1

while True:
TDewPoint_iter = TDewPoint # TDewPoint used in NR calculation
lnVP_iter = math.log(GetSatVapPres(TDewPoint_iter))
# Derivative of function, calculated numerically
d_lnVP = (math.log(GetSatVapPres(TDewPoint_iter + StepSize)) - lnVP_iter) / StepSize
# New estimate, bounded by domain of validity of eqn. 5 and 6

# Derivative of function, calculated analytically
d_lnVP = dLnPws_(TDewPoint_iter)

# New estimate, bounded by the search domain defined above
TDewPoint = TDewPoint_iter - (lnVP_iter - lnVP) / d_lnVP
TDewPoint = max(TDewPoint, _BOUNDS[0])
TDewPoint = min(TDewPoint, _BOUNDS[1])
TDewPoint = max(TDewPoint, BOUNDS[0])
TDewPoint = min(TDewPoint, BOUNDS[1])

if ((math.fabs(TDewPoint - TDewPoint_iter) <= PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE)):

if (index > MAX_ITER_COUNT):
raise ValueError("Convergence not reached in GetTDewPointFromVapPres. Stopping.")

if math.fabs(TDewPoint - TDewPoint_iter) <= PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE:
index = index + 1

TDewPoint = min(TDewPoint, TDryBulb)
return TDewPoint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,28 +543,35 @@ def GetTWetBulbFromHumRatio(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) -
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio cannot be negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

TDewPoint = GetTDewPointFromHumRatio(TDryBulb, HumRatio, Pressure)
TDewPoint = GetTDewPointFromHumRatio(TDryBulb, BoundedHumRatio, Pressure)

# Initial guesses
TWetBulbSup = TDryBulb
TWetBulbInf = TDewPoint
TWetBulb = (TWetBulbInf + TWetBulbSup) / 2

index = 1
# Bisection loop
while (TWetBulbSup - TWetBulbInf > PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE):
while ((TWetBulbSup - TWetBulbInf) > PSYCHROLIB_TOLERANCE):

# Compute humidity ratio at temperature Tstar
Wstar = GetHumRatioFromTWetBulb(TDryBulb, TWetBulb, Pressure)

# Get new bounds
if Wstar > HumRatio:
if Wstar > BoundedHumRatio:
TWetBulbSup = TWetBulb
TWetBulbInf = TWetBulb

# New guess of wet bulb temperature
TWetBulb = (TWetBulbSup + TWetBulbInf) / 2

if (index >= MAX_ITER_COUNT):
raise ValueError("Convergence not reached in GetTWetBulbFromHumRatio. Stopping.")

index = index + 1
return TWetBulb

def GetHumRatioFromTWetBulb(TDryBulb: float, TWetBulb: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,7 +609,8 @@ def GetHumRatioFromTWetBulb(TDryBulb: float, TWetBulb: float, Pressure: float) -
HumRatio = ((2830. - 0.24 * TWetBulb) * Wsstar - 1.006 * (TDryBulb - TWetBulb)) \
/ (2830. + 1.86 * TDryBulb - 2.1 * TWetBulb)
return HumRatio
# Validity check.
return max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

def GetHumRatioFromRelHum(TDryBulb: float, RelHum: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -654,7 +724,9 @@ def GetHumRatioFromVapPres(VapPres: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
raise ValueError("Partial pressure of water vapor in moist air cannot be negative")

HumRatio = 0.621945 * VapPres / (Pressure - VapPres)
return HumRatio

# Validity check.
return max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

def GetVapPresFromHumRatio(HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -673,8 +745,9 @@ def GetVapPresFromHumRatio(HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

VapPres = Pressure * HumRatio / (0.621945 + HumRatio)
VapPres = Pressure * BoundedHumRatio / (0.621945 + BoundedHumRatio)
return VapPres

Expand All @@ -698,8 +771,9 @@ def GetSpecificHumFromHumRatio(HumRatio: float) -> float:
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio cannot be negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

SpecificHum = HumRatio / (1.0 + HumRatio)
SpecificHum = BoundedHumRatio / (1.0 + BoundedHumRatio)
return SpecificHum

def GetHumRatioFromSpecificHum(SpecificHum: float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -720,7 +794,9 @@ def GetHumRatioFromSpecificHum(SpecificHum: float) -> float:
raise ValueError("Specific humidity is outside range [0, 1[")

HumRatio = SpecificHum / (1.0 - SpecificHum)
return SpecificHum

# Validity check.
return max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,11 +897,12 @@ def GetTDryBulbFromEnthalpyAndHumRatio(MoistAirEnthalpy: float, HumRatio: float)
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

if isIP():
TDryBulb = (MoistAirEnthalpy - 1061.0 * HumRatio) / (0.240 + 0.444 * HumRatio)
TDryBulb = (MoistAirEnthalpy - 1061.0 * BoundedHumRatio) / (0.240 + 0.444 * BoundedHumRatio)
TDryBulb = (MoistAirEnthalpy / 1000.0 - 2501.0 * HumRatio) / (1.006 + 1.86 * HumRatio)
TDryBulb = (MoistAirEnthalpy / 1000.0 - 2501.0 * BoundedHumRatio) / (1.006 + 1.86 * BoundedHumRatio)
return TDryBulb

def GetHumRatioFromEnthalpyAndTDryBulb(MoistAirEnthalpy: float, TDryBulb: float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -851,7 +928,9 @@ def GetHumRatioFromEnthalpyAndTDryBulb(MoistAirEnthalpy: float, TDryBulb: float)
HumRatio = (MoistAirEnthalpy - 0.240 * TDryBulb) / (1061.0 + 0.444 * TDryBulb)
HumRatio = (MoistAirEnthalpy / 1000.0 - 1.006 * TDryBulb) / (2501.0 + 1.86 * TDryBulb)
return HumRatio

# Validity check.
return max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -917,7 +996,9 @@ def GetSatHumRatio(TDryBulb: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
SatVaporPres = GetSatVapPres(TDryBulb)
SatHumRatio = 0.621945 * SatVaporPres / (Pressure - SatVaporPres)
return SatHumRatio

# Validity check.
return max(SatHumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

def GetSatAirEnthalpy(TDryBulb: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -988,9 +1069,10 @@ def GetDegreeOfSaturation(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) ->
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

SatHumRatio = GetSatHumRatio(TDryBulb, Pressure)
DegreeOfSaturation = HumRatio / SatHumRatio
DegreeOfSaturation = BoundedHumRatio / SatHumRatio
return DegreeOfSaturation

def GetMoistAirEnthalpy(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -1010,11 +1092,12 @@ def GetMoistAirEnthalpy(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float) -> float:
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

if isIP():
MoistAirEnthalpy = 0.240 * TDryBulb + HumRatio * (1061 + 0.444 * TDryBulb)
MoistAirEnthalpy = 0.240 * TDryBulb + BoundedHumRatio * (1061 + 0.444 * TDryBulb)
MoistAirEnthalpy = (1.006 * TDryBulb + HumRatio * (2501. + 1.86 * TDryBulb)) * 1000
MoistAirEnthalpy = (1.006 * TDryBulb + BoundedHumRatio * (2501. + 1.86 * TDryBulb)) * 1000
return MoistAirEnthalpy

def GetMoistAirVolume(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -1039,11 +1122,12 @@ def GetMoistAirVolume(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure: float) -> floa
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

if isIP():
MoistAirVolume = R_DA_IP * GetTRankineFromTFahrenheit(TDryBulb) * (1 + 1.607858 * HumRatio) / (144 * Pressure)
MoistAirVolume = R_DA_IP * GetTRankineFromTFahrenheit(TDryBulb) * (1 + 1.607858 * BoundedHumRatio) / (144 * Pressure)
MoistAirVolume = R_DA_SI * GetTKelvinFromTCelsius(TDryBulb) * (1 + 1.607858 * HumRatio) / Pressure
MoistAirVolume = R_DA_SI * GetTKelvinFromTCelsius(TDryBulb) * (1 + 1.607858 * BoundedHumRatio) / Pressure
return MoistAirVolume

def GetMoistAirDensity(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure:float) -> float:
Expand All @@ -1064,9 +1148,10 @@ def GetMoistAirDensity(TDryBulb: float, HumRatio: float, Pressure:float) -> floa
if HumRatio < 0:
raise ValueError("Humidity ratio is negative")
BoundedHumRatio = max(HumRatio, MIN_HUM_RATIO)

MoistAirVolume = GetMoistAirVolume(TDryBulb, HumRatio, Pressure)
MoistAirDensity = (1 + HumRatio) / MoistAirVolume
MoistAirVolume = GetMoistAirVolume(TDryBulb, BoundedHumRatio, Pressure)
MoistAirDensity = (1 + BoundedHumRatio) / MoistAirVolume
return MoistAirDensity

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