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First of all, thanks to all the wikis, for example Official Wiki Arch, each one is worth reading and helping, this is just a help for me, if it helps you in something, that's great, but don't blindly trust every command, okay?

Take note i use Wayland instead of Xorg, this make different design perpectives and software use, examples are gammastep instead of Redshift because issues with wayland

The Install Guide gives:

  • Installation and first reboot
  • Packages to be installed

The Config Guide gives:

  • More Packages 📦
  • Graphics Install (Va-api is awesome :D)
  • .config and extra configuration

Created to be used in real env, because Hyprland can't work with good performance without GPU passthru | Info

I love Hyprland, and for more scalability, i made hyprland.conf with only include routes to the other .conf files, monitors.conf is managed by nwg-displays

├── btop
│   └── btop.conf
├── fastfetch
│   └── config.jsonc
├── gammastep
│   └── gammastep.config
├── hypr
│   ├── bind.conf
│   ├── env.conf
│   ├── exec.conf
│   ├── hyprland.conf
│   ├── monitors.conf
│   ├── variable.conf
│   ├── windowrulev2.conf
│   └── workspaces.conf
├── kitty
│   ├── color.ini
│   └── kitty.conf
├── lf
│   └── lfrc
├── micro
│   └── settings.json
├── mpv
│   └── mpv.conf
├── qt5ct
│   ├── colors
│   │   └── Catppuccin-Mocha.conf
│   ├── qss
│   └── qt5ct.conf
├── qt6ct
│   ├── colors
│   │   └── Catppuccin-Mocha.conf
│   ├── qss
│   └── qt5ct.conf
├── swappy
│   └── config
├── Thunar
│   └── uca.xml
├── tofi
│   ├── config
│   ├── dmenu
│   └── soy-milk
├── wlogout
│   ├── layout
│   └── style.css
└── zathura
    └── zathurarc

Mozilla CSS is a bit tricky, see Configuration Guide for more info

└── firefox-esr
    └── rycwnmek.default-release
        └── chrome
            ├── userChrome.css
            └── userContent.css

SDDM work with /etc/sddd.conf.d/sddm.conf with the Tokyo Night Theme

└── sddm.conf.d
    └── sddm.conf

├── breeze
├── elarun
├── maldives
├── maya
└── tokyo-night-sddm
    ├── Assets
    │   ├── Hibernate.svgz
    │   ├── Reboot.svgz
    │   ├── Shutdown.svgz
    │   ├── Suspend.svgz
    │   └── User.svgz
    ├── Backgrounds
    │   ├── geology.png
    │   ├── Mountain.jpg
    │   ├── path.png
    │   ├── shacks.png
    │   ├── tokyocity.png
    │   ├── waves.png
    │   └── win11.png
    ├── Components
    │   ├── Clock.qml
    │   ├── Input.qml
    │   ├── LoginForm.qml
    │   ├── SessionButton.qml
    │   ├── SystemButtons.qml
    │   ├── UserList.qml
    │   └── VirtualKeyboard.qml
    ├── COPYING
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── Main.qml
    ├── metadata.desktop
    ├── preview.png
    ├── Previews
    │   ├── 1.png
    │   ├── 2.png
    │   ├── 3.png
    │   └── 4.png
    └── theme.conf

Systemd User

└── gammastep.service


  • Learn How to use ewww



I really look of Kitty Term + Hack Nerd Font Fastfetch


Screensaver Swayidle