Data YML for Eclipse Phase RPG currently used on Eclipse Spot This repository was created first to allow people to accelerate data input and correct tipos and other mistakes. However you are free to use it the way you want as long as you respect the Licence requirement. If you find out a great usage, please let me know, i'm curious ;)
###Not a git user ?
If you are not a git user, then you have to:
- Download the last version of this repository by clicking on (this link)[]
- Make modifications
- Rearchive the folder
- Send it to benoy[at]eclipsespot[dot]com by email with a description of your modification and your name/nickname for the credit ;)
###Git user !
Well I think I don't have to explain you this :
- Create a github account if you don't have yet.
- Fork the repository
- Clone your repository
- Make modification
- Send a pull request and Voila !
In data folder you will find yml files. The format is DATA_TYPE.LANG.yml.
- DATA_TYPE : traits, skills etc ...
- LANG : two letters like en, fr, es ...
###Yaml format
Open one of the present file, for instance skills.en.yml You will see that all file have the following hierachi :
data1: value
data2: value ...
"type_pluralized" is stuff like factions, backgrounds, ...
The key_name is used as a unique item id. It means couple of things :
- Never correct it even if it contain a typo. It's not used for display.
- If you translate content, you have to keep the same key_name to allow the system to understand that it's the same resource.
####Background data format
####Faction data format
####Skill data format
####Trait data format
####MorphPattern data format
####Gear data format
You can use it or as a standalone or as a ruby gem. There is a Licence section below, check it if you care about legal issues.
Just include eclipse_spot_data folder or yml file in your project and, well, it's yml so parse it yourself.
If you are using ruby, then you can use eclipse_spot_data as a gem. Optionaly you can provide a version if you want to prevent data update.
Simply install the gem :
gem install
gem update
If you are using Rails, then add in you gem file :
gem 'eclipse_spot_data', git: '[email protected]:proxygear/eclipse_spot_data.git'
Then bundle it in your shell
$> bundle
$> bundle update eclipse_spot_data
Well easy, just an interface to load data type by language
es_data =
es_data.books #return book names
#=> ['core', 'ego_hunter', ...]
es_data.types #return type names
#=> ['backgrounds', 'factions', ...]
es_data.lang #return available lang
#=> ['en', 'fr', ...]
es_data.exist?(book: :core, type: :factions, lang: :en)
#=> true
es_data.exist?(type: :space_blobs)
#=> false
es_data.load! :core, :factions, :en
#=> a big hash from yml file with lang/type levels removed
Eclipse phase is a trademark of Posthuman Studios, LLC. Some Rights Reserved. Original text content and mechanics of eclipsephase present on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Base data was created by