This project is moved to gitlab
Table of contents:
e2j2 (environment to jinja2 variables) is a commandline tool which will render jinja2 templates to textfiles. all environment variables can be used in the jinja2 templates, within the environment variables you can use special tags which give you the option to insert json, json file paths, base64 hashes, consul kv keys.
e2j2 can be used within docker containers, or for other simple configuration templating tasks. Within a docker container you can simply add the j2 extention to a configuration file, or to multiple files within one or more folder structures and then run e2j2 as part of your docker entrypoint script.
Most flags can be set on either the command line or in a json formatted config file. The following flags / configuration keys are supported:
Switch | Type | Config key | Type | Description |
-h, --help | Show help text and exit | |||
-v, --version | Show version number | |||
-e, --ext, --extension | string | extension | string | Jinja2 file extention (default: .j2) |
-f, --filelist | comma separated list | filelist | array | List of jinja2 templates |
-s, --searchlist | comma separated list | searchlist | array | List of directories to search for templates (default: current directory) |
-N, --noop | skip writing template to disk | |||
-r, --recursive | recursive | boolean | Traverse recursively through the search list | |
--no-color, --nocolor | no_color | boolean | Disable ANSI color | |
-2, --twopass | twopass | boolean | Enable two pass rendering | |
-n, --nested-tags | nested_tags | boolean | Enable support for nested tags | |
-m, --marker-set | string | marker_set | string | Select marker set (default: '{{') |
-A, --autodetect-marker-set | autodetect_marker_set | boolean | Autodetect marker set, fallback to defined marker set | |
--block-start | string | block_start | string | Block marker start (default from marker set) |
--block-end | string | block_end | string | Block marker start (default: from marker set) |
--variable-start | string | block_start | string | Variable marker start (default: from marker set) |
--variable-end | string | variable_end | string | Variable marker end (default: from marker set) |
--comment-start | string | comment_start | string | Comment marker start (default: from marker set) |
--comment-end | string | comment_end | string | Comment marker start (default: from marker set) |
-w, --env-whitelist | comma separated list | env_whitelist | array | List of envars to include |
-b, --env-blacklist | comma separated list | env_blacklist | array | List of envars to exclude |
-P, --copy-file_permissions | copy_file_permissions | boolean | Copy file permissions and ownership from template to rendered file | |
-S, --stacktrace | stacktrace | boolean | Include stacktrace in error file | |
--stderr | boolean | Print to stderr instead of to error file | ||
-c, --config | string | Config file path | ||
--watchlist | comma separated list | watchlist | array | Watch listed envvars for changes and render template(s) on change |
-R, --run | string | run | array | Run command after rendering templates (command arg1, ..) |
--splay | int | splay | integer | Random delay between 1 and X seconds between watchlist polls |
--initial-run | render templates before starting watch |
By default only the jinja2 builtin filters are supported this can be extended by installing the jinja2-ansible-filters module.
lets assume we want to render the following server block in nginx, if we place the server configuration in a nginx include directory for example /etc/nginx/conf.d
server {
server_name {{ NGINX.server_name }};
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location / {
index {{ NGINX.index_page }};
root {{ NGINX.web_root }};
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_pass unix:{{ NGINX.fpm_socket }};
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
include {{ NGINX.fcgi_params }};
root {{ NGINX.web_root }};
try_files $uri =404;
if you then set the NGINX environment variable, running e2j2 will render the jinja2 template and place it in the same folder:
~> export NGINX='json:
"server_name": "",
"index_page": "index.php",
"web_root": "/usr/local/www/myweb",
"fcgi_params": "/usr/local/etc/nginx/myweb-fcgi-params",
"fpm_socket": "/var/run/php-fpm/myweb.socket"
~> e2j2
In: .
rendering: nginx_vhost_config.conf.j2=>done => writing: nginx_vhost_config.conf=>done
~> cat nginx_vhost_config.conf
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location / {
index index.php;
root /usr/local/www/myweb;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/myweb.socket;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
include /usr/local/etc/nginx/myweb-fcgi-params;
root /usr/local/www/roundcube;
try_files $uri =404;
MYENVVAR='plain environment variable'
will render envvar-example.j2 to:
This is a plain environment variable
will render file-example.j2 to:
This is a file example
MYJSONVAR='json:{"key": "json-example"}'
will render json-example.j2 to:
This is a json-example
will render jsonfile-example.j2 to:
This is a jsonfile example with subkey
export MYBASE64VAR='base64:YmFzZTY0IGV4YW1wbGU='
will render base64-example.j2 to:
This is a base64 example
You can configure the consul tag by setting the CONSUL_CONFIG environment variable. The following config items are supported:
Item | Explanation | Default |
url | consul url | |
scheme | consul url scheme http or https | scheme from url |
host | consul host | hostname from url |
port | consul http(s) port | port from url |
token | consul token | none |
Global config example:
read -d '' CONSUL_CONFIG << EOF { "url": "https://consul.foobar.tld", "token": "abcdef01-0123-abcd-1234-0123456789ab" } EOF
The ACL token can be configured by either the above configuration or by setting the CONSUL_TOKEN variable.
As an alternative for the global configuration it is also possible to configure / adjust the global configuration for each consul tag, by simply include the configuration when using the consul tag.
CONSUL_TOKEN and config key token can either contain the actual token or point to a file containing the token, use the file: tag to point to a file.
Tag config examples:
export MYCONSULVAR='consul:config={"url": "https://consul2.foobar.tld", "token": "012345678-0123-abcd-1234-0123456789ab"}:consulvar"
export MYCONSULVAR='consul:config={"url": "https://consul2.foobar.tld", "token": "file:/path/to/token"}:consulvar"
Consul example:
key: consulvar in consul to value: consul example
export MYCONSULVAR='consul:consulvar'
will render consul-example.j2 to:
This is a consul example
export MYLIST='list:"first","second","third","fourth"'
will render list-example.j2 to:
"first" "second" "third" "fourth"
Starting from version 0.1.12 e2j2 supports embedding jinja2 macros in environment variables.
Setting the following two environment variables:
export WORDPRESS='json:{"database": {"name": "mydb", "user": "mydb_user", "password": "{{ DBSECRET }}", "host": "localhost"}}' export DBSECRET='file:./twopass-secret'
will render (by running: e2j2 -f twopass-example.j2 -2
) to:
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define( 'DB_NAME', 'mydb' ); /** MySQL database username */ define( 'DB_USER', 'mydb_user' ); /** MySQL database password */ define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'Db$ecr3t' ); /** MySQL hostname */ define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
In version 0.5.0 support was introduced for nested tag variables, so the above listed example can be simplified. The DBSECRET variable is no longer needed, if the WORDPRESS variable is changed to:
export WORDPRESS='json:{"database": {"name": "mydb", "user": "mydb_user", "password": "file:./twopass-secret", "host": "localhost"}}'
If needed you can escape e2j2 tags by using the escape tag
You can configure the vault tag by setting the VAULT_CONFIG environment variable. The following config items are supported:
Item | Explanation | Default |
url | vault url | |
scheme | vault url scheme http or https | scheme from url |
host | vault host | hostname from url |
port | vault http(s) port | port from url |
backend | vault secret backend | raw |
token | vault token | none |
the following backends are supported:
backend | Description |
raw | use plain GET request to secret store API |
kv1 | key/value version 1 |
kv2 | key/value version 2 |
Global config example:
read -d '' VAULT_CONFIG << EOF { "url": "https://vault.foobar.tld:8200", "token": "s.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "backend: "kv2" } EOF
The Authentication token can be configured by either the above configuration or by setting the VAULT_TOKEN variable.
As an alternative for the global configuration it is also possible to configure / adjust the global configuration for each vault tag, by simply include the configuration when using the vault tag.
VAULT_TOKEN and config key token can either contain the actual token or point to a file containing the token, use the file: tag to point to a file.
Tag config example:
export MYVAULTVAR='vault:config={"backend": "kv2", "token": "s.xxxxxxxxx"}:kv/my-secret"
export MYVAULTVAR='vault:config={"backend": "kv2", "token": "file:/path/to/token"}:kv/my-secret"
Vault example:
vault kv put secret/my-secret secret=topsecret export MYVAULTVAR='vault:secret/my-secret'
will render vault-kv1-example.j2 (by running: e2j2 -f vault-example.j2
) to:
** topsecret ** This is a vault example
You can configure the dns tag by setting the DNS_CONFIG environment variable. The following config items are supported:
Item | Explanation | Default |
nameservers | overwrite nameservers | use system resolvers |
port | overwrite dns port | 53 |
type | record type (A, AAAA or SRV) | A |
the supported record types will return a dict with the following keys:
Type | Keys |
A | address |
AAAA | address |
SRV | target, port, weight, priority |
DNS example:
Assuming a consul node running on localhost with the default dns port 8600.
Setting the DNS_CONFIG variable:
read -d '' DNS_CONFIG << EOF { "nameservers": [''], "port": 8600, "type": "SRV" } EOF
export MYDNSVAR='dns:consul.service.consul'
will render dns-example.j2 (by running: e2j2 -f dns-example.j2
) to:
My consul node: node1.node.dc1.consul. listening on port 8300