Python implementation of the UDP-based block device server for the PlayStation 2 with utility scripts make easy to use.
UDPBD is developed by @rickgaiser
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Network connection (recommended direct connection to the PS2)
- Open PS2 Loader supporting UDPBD (v1.2.0 beta 1973 built by @El_isra)
Just type scripts with arguments
sudo python3 --path <<path>>
Path can be used with block device or mount point
You can block writing with --read-only
sudo python3 --path <<path>> --read-only
PyUDPBD provides block device monitor to run the server automatically
sudo python3 --path <<path>> --period <<period:10>> --flag <<flag:pyudpbd>>
the monitor will find a flag file each block devices periodically and run the server with the path of the block device first of iteration
It is useful with SBC (like Raspberry Pi) to serve block device you plugged in
PM2 is a process manager for Node.js applications, but it can run Python scripts as well and good for running the monitor when server is started
sudo pm2 start --interpreter python3 --name pyudpbd-monitor
sudo pm2 save
sudo pm2 startup
to run the monitor with root permission required to access block devices.
Unstable game playing with router connection (may need to change the protocol to send reading ACK)
Highly recommended to use direct connection to the PS2
- Support block device caching
- Support multiple clients (required to change both side of server and driver)
- Sending reading ACK (required to change both side of server and driver)