Welcome to our collective.
Repositories include the four core processes. Additional repositories address auxiliary domains, such as the public website and our documentation site.
Work is structured by github projects. Projects are created with a clear end-state in mind, defined prior or soon after project creation. Projects can be thought of as the container for all work (processes, structures, patterns) required for manifesting that end-state. An end-state is a whole-system state, which includes...
- Quality
- Function
- Scope/ system boundaries
- Dependencies
- Tests/ success criteria
- Task force (team members)
If you'd like to contribute, please familiarise yourself with the following resources first:
Our work centres on transformation-oriented events. All software found in these repositories serves real-world contact in a living, ever-evolving, more-than-human world. Prisma's mission is to support/ amplify/ help-make-space-for agency among real-world communities that are, or want to be, on a multi-generational journey of growing ecological awareness. Those closest to the ground are our guides.