Welcome to the Web Dev Mini Projects repository! This collection features a variety of small yet engaging projects developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each project focuses on different concepts of front-end development, serving as excellent practice for mastering web development skills.
A fun interactive quiz application where users answer multiple-choice questions. The app displays the final score after completing the quiz and allows players to try again.
This project fetches and displays random inspirational quotes each time the user interacts with the page. Great for learning how to use APIs and DOM manipulation.
A simple yet functional to-do list application where users can add, mark, or delete tasks. The app provides a clean interface and saves the state between sessions using local storage.
A real-time digital clock that displays the current time. A perfect project to understand working with dates and times in JavaScript.
A number guessing game where the player tries to guess a random number within a certain range. The game provides hints to help the player find the correct number.
A basic news website that dynamically fetches and displays the latest news articles from a public API. This project demonstrates how to work with APIs and handle JSON data in JavaScript.
This project calls and displays details about different Pokémon characters using a Pokémon API. It's an entertaining way to learn API integration and dynamic content rendering.
A classic rock-paper-scissors game that allows the user to play against the computer. The project helps reinforce logic building and handling user inputs.
A weather forecasting site that fetches real-time weather information based on the user's location or a search query. This project uses a weather API and demonstrates how to work with asynchronous JavaScript.
- HTML: Structuring content for each project.
- CSS: Styling and layout to create visually appealing web pages.
- JavaScript: Core functionality and logic for interactive features.
- APIs: Used in projects like the Random Quotes, News Website, Pokemon Caller, and Weather Website.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/pratikgupta190804/web-dev-mini-projects.git
- Navigate to the project folder of your choice:
cd project-folder-name
- Open the
file in your browser to view the project.
- Add more interactivity to the existing projects.
- Implement more advanced projects using React or other JavaScript frameworks.
- Introduce a back-end for projects like the To-Do List to handle user authentication and persistent data storage.
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests if you want to contribute or improve these projects!
This repository is open source and available under the MIT License.