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A super tiny ORM for TypeScript.

tiny-orm lets you

  • auto-validate TypeScript classes using Joi.
  • access snake_cased DB objects through camelCased JavaScript objects.
  • compose simple classes together to model more complex structures.


$ npm install tiny-orm



At its simplest, any class properties can be decorated with a Joi schema like so:

class User extends TinyORM<{}> {
    @prop(Joi.number().min(1)) // prop decorator for valid id
    id: number;

    @prop(Joi.string().email()) // prop decorator for valid email
    email: string;

    @prop() // no runtime validation specified, only static string validation will apply
    name: string;

    constructor(id: number, email: string, name: string) {
        super(); = id; = email; = name;

const user = new User(1, '', 'John Doe');
user.validate(); // ok = 0;
user.validate(); // throws ` must be larger than or equal to 1`

The same example can be enhanced to auto-validate upon each mutation:

@strict // validate() will be automatically called
class User extends TinyORM<{}> {
    email: string;

    constructor(email: string) {
        super(); = email;

const user = new User(''); // validates without errors = 'abc' ; // throws ` must be a valid email`


Better static typing

Get stronger static typing by supplying an interface:

interface IUser {
    id: number;
    email: string;

class User extends TinyORM<IUser> implements IUser {
    id: number;

    email: string;

    // constructor no longer necessary

// props to constructor are available through the IUser interface for auto-completion
const user = new User({
    id: 1,
    email: ''


Normalise data from an arbitrary_source (such as a database) to an interface with camelCased properties:

interface IUser {
    userId: number;
    userEmail: string;

class User extends TinyORM<IUser> implements IUser {
    userId: number;

    userEmail: string;

const pgData = {
    user_id: 1,
    user_email: ''

const user = User.getInstance(pgData) as User; // init object by calling the static getInstance method

user.userId === pgData.user_id;
user.userEmail === pgData.user_email;

toObject, toDbObject and toString

Get a validated object structure just with all the @props:

interface IUser {
    userId: number;
    userEmail: string;

class User extends TinyORM<IUser> implements IUser {
    userId: number;

    userEmail: string;

    someUtilityFunction() {
        return this.userId + ': ' + this.userEmail;

const user = new User({
    userId: 1,
    userEmail: ''

user.someUtilityFunction(); // 1:

user.toObject(); // { userId: 1, userEmail: '' }
user.toDbObject(); // { user_id: 1, user_email: '' }
user.toString(); // overridden method to get JSON representation of .toObject()


This is left to your imagination. Please note, however, that it's not possible to validate nested objects if they are not directly created using TinyORM. This applies especially to nested objects created via the getInstance method.

// Define interfaces

interface IPost {
    id: string;
    title: string;
    createdAt: string;
    comments?: IComment[];

interface IComment {
    id: string;
    body: string;
    children?: IComment[];

// Declare classes with validation code

class Post extends TinyORM<IPost> implements IPost {
    id: string;

    title: string;

    createdAt: string;

    comments?: IComment[];

class Comment extends TinyORM<IComment> implements IComment {
    id: string;

    body: string;

    children?: IComment[];

// Create an object using the Post and Comment constructors. These will be fully validated.

let post = new Post({
    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148f',
    title: 'The blog post',
    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    comments: [
        new Comment({
            id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148b',
            body: 'First!',
            children: [
                new Comment({
                    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148d',
                    body: 'Second!'

// Or create the object using statically typed object notation.
// Anything below Post will not be validated by default.

post = new Post({
    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148f',
    title: 'The blog post',
    createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    comments: [
            id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148b',
            body: 'First!',
            children: [
                    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148d',
                    body: 'Second!'

// Or use getInstance. Only Post will be validated.

post = Post.getInstance({
    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148f',
    title: 'The blog post',
    created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
    comments: [
            id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148b',
            body: 'First!',
            children: [
                    id: '3ed44ac2-4dd8-4a2a-9aaa-879e4a44148d',
                    body: 'Second!'
}) as Post;

// In all these cases (assuming strictNullChecks is temporarily disabled :)):

post.toObject().comments[0].children[0].body === 'Second!';