End to End project based on RandomForestRegressor
This project mainly focuses on the predicting the price of your car for resell purpose
The dataset used is car data set available here https://www.kaggle.com/nehalbirla/vehicle-dataset-from-cardekho?select=car+data.csv
The Notebook file is divided into following parts
1] Importing Necessary Librabries
2] Loading Dataset
3] Exploratory Data analysis
Checking and Handling missing values
Droping useless columns from dataset
Selecting catogorial columns converting them using pandas get dumies method
Finding corelation between columns
ploting corelation using heatmap
4] Model selection
Selecting dependent and independent variables Using RandomForestRegressor to build model Calculating Accuracy Finally finding MAE MSE RMSE
5] Creating pickel file used for deployment
6] Deploy the code using herokuapp final project is avilable at https://vishcarpriceprediction.herokuapp.com/