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lasy is a Python library that facilitates the initialization of complex laser pulses, in simulations of laser-plasma interactions.

More specifically, lasy offers many ways to define complex laser pulses (e.g. from commonly-known analytical formulas, from experimental measurements, etc.) and offers pre-processing functionalities (e.g. propagation, re-normalization, geometry conversion). The laser field is then exported in a standardized file, that can be read by external simulation codes.

For an extended tutorial on lasy please check out our tutorial.


LASY manipulates laser pulses, and operates on the laser envelope. In 3D (x,y,t) Cartesian coordinates, the definition used is:

$$\begin{aligned} E_x(x,y,t) = \mathrm{Re}\left( \mathcal{E}(x,y,t) e^{-i\omega_0t}p_x\right)\\\ E_y(x,y,t) = \mathrm{Re}\left( \mathcal{E}(x,y,t) e^{-i\omega_0t}p_y\right)\end{aligned}$$

where $\mathrm{Re}$ stands for real part, $E_x$ (resp. $E_y$) is the laser electric field in the x (resp. y) direction, $\mathcal{E}$ is the complex laser envelope stored and used in lasy, $\omega_0 = 2\pi c/\lambda_0$ is the angular frequency defined from the laser wavelength $\lambda_0$ and $(p_x,p_y)$ is the (complex and normalized) polarization vector.

In cylindrical coordinates, the envelope is decomposed in $N_m$ azimuthal modes ( see Ref. [A. Lifschitz et al., J. Comp. Phys. 228.5: 1803-1814 (2009)]). Each mode is stored on a 2D grid (r,t), using the following definition:

$$\begin{aligned} E_x (r,\theta,t) = \mathrm{Re}\left( \sum_{-N_m+1}^{N_m-1}\mathcal{E}_m(r,t) e^{-im\theta}e^{-i\omega_0t}p_x\right)\\\ E_y (r,\theta,t) = \mathrm{Re}\left( \sum_{-N_m+1}^{N_m-1}\mathcal{E}_m(r,t) e^{-im\theta}e^{-i\omega_0t}p_y\right).\end{aligned}$$

For more information, please check our arXiv preprint.


How to contribute

All contributions are welcome! For a new contribution, we use pull requests from forks. Below is a very rough summary, please have a look at the appropriate documentation at and around.

First, setup your fork workflow (only once):

  • Fork the repo by clicking the Fork button on the top right, and follow the prompts. This will create your own (remote) copy of the main repo, located at[yourusername]/LASY.
  • Make your local copy aware of your fork: from your local repository, do git remote add [some-name][your username]/LASY. For [some-name] it can be convenient to use e.g. your username.

Then, for each contribution:

  • Get the last version of branch development from the main repo (e.g. git checkout development && git pull).
  • Create a new branch (e.g. git checkout -b my_contribution).
  • Do usual git add and git commit operations.
  • Push your branch to your own fork: git push -u [some-name] my_contribution
  • Whenever you're ready, open a PR from branch my_contribution on your fork to branch development on the main repo. Github typically suggests this very well.

Style conventions

  • Docstrings are written using the Numpy style.
  • Functions in utils/ only depend on standard types (Python & Numpy) and on the Grid class. That way, they are relatively stand-alone and can be used on different data structures. A simple Grid factory is provided for that purpose.
  • A PR should be open for any contribution: the description helps to explain the code and open dicussion.


python3 -m pip install lasy

For tests, you need to have a few extra packages, such as pytest and openpmd-viewer installed:

python3 -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt


After successful installation, you can run the unit tests:

# Run all tests
python3 -m pytest tests/

# Run tests from a single file
python3 -m pytest tests/

# Run a single test (useful during debugging)
python3 -m pytest tests/

# Run all tests, do not capture "print" output and be verbose
python3 -m pytest -s -vvvv tests/

Creating Documentation

Install sphinx (

python -m pip install --upgrade -r docs/requirements.txt
cd docs
sphinx-build -b html source _build


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