Libbet and the Magic Floor v0.04
- A+B+Select+Start during gameplay to reset
- Combo counter shows number of tracks laid without hesitation
- Add achievements Completionist, Sink it, Dash for the door, No scope, No peeking, Restless
- Display achievements in a window when they are earned
- Display floor scores and achievements after completing all 5 floors
- Popslide: Option to limit length of +32 runs and literals to save ROM size
- "Debughex" option to display a variable at runtime even on hardware
- Rules research: Confirm 92% chance of seeing a dead end in a game
- Docs: Add guide to encoding video with bgb
9540 bytes used.
Feedback is appreciated:
- See how big of a combo you can make. I want to know whether players find it unduly difficult to make large combos.
- Come up with names for the floor sizes for use on the result screen. Currently I have "Corridor" for the 2x8 and "Anteroom" for the 4x4; the 6x4, 6x6, and 8x6 remain.
- Title screen and ending concepts are still welcome.