Just Android Api cilent for CAS 2016 Conferencia Agile Spain 2016
CASApiClientAndroid is an Android library writing in Java for CAS 2016 API
To start using the library just need to create valid CASApiClientConfiguration:
CASApiConfig casApiConfig = new CASApiConfig.Builder().debug().build();
Once you have a valid CAS configuration, you can retrieve information from CAS API.
###Sessions Api
contains the operations used to retrieve sessions from the CAS Api.
SessionApiClient sessionApiClient = new SessionApiClient(casApiConfig);
Collection<SessionDto> all = sessionApiClient.getAll();
###Speakers Api
contains the operations used to retrieve speakers from the CAS Api.
SpeakerApiClient speakerApiClient = new SpeakerApiClient(casApiConfig);
Collection<SpeakerDto> all = speakerApiClient.getAll();
###Rooms Api
contains the operations used to retrieve rooms from the CAS Api.
RoomApiClient roomApiClient = new RoomApiClient(casApiConfig);
Collection<RoomDto> all = roomApiClient.getAll();
###Tags Api
contains the operations used to retrieve tags from the CAS Api.
TagApiClient tagApiClient = new TagApiClient(casApiConfig);
Collection<TagDto> all = tagApiClient.getAll();
Clone and add it like module (not available from jcenter or maven)
Feel free to add new features, changes, etc. And use it to make an Android application for the Conference ;)