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A simple, minimalistic, easy plugin to work with Databricks & Pyspark locally in Neovim


This plugin is in beta, and constant breaking changes is expected. For a somewhat "stable" version, use the tag: 0.1.0.

📦 Install

Using lazy package manager:

    -- NOTE: Uses go to install.
    -- Make sure it's present on the system.
    build = ':lua require("lazydbrix").install()',
    dependencies = {"voldikss/vim-floaterm"}

By setting this build command:

:lua require("lazydbrix").install()

the lazydbrix binary is ensured to be installed or updated when the plugin is.


The install will call go install and put the binary in either of: $GOBIN/lazydbrix or $HOME/go/bin/lazydbrix, dependent on if you have setup GOBIN or not (see docs).

📋 Requirements

  • go
  • A Databricks config present at: ~/.databrickscfg. With profiles to all needed workspaces:
host = <your_host>
token = <your_token>
cluster_id = <your_cluster_id>
org_id = <your_org_id>
jobs-api-version = 2.1



All profiles that are in this file, needs to have valid setups, otherwise the plugin won't work

🚀 How to

These are the functions to be called from require("lazydbrix")

Functions Description
install() This installs lazydbrix
open() This opens lazydbrix in a floating window
setup() Update configurations to be used for the Lazydbrix class
show() Source and show the current cluster selection

Once inside of the floating window, this is how you navigate inside of lazydbrix:

Keymaps Description
<C-c> This exits lazydbrix
<enter> Select the currently hovering cluster. This inly takes effect once exiting lazydbrix
j Move down in the current window
k Move up in the current window
l Move down a window
h Move up a window
<Tab> Move to the right window
<S-Tab> Move to the left window

💤 Lazy loading

For lazy loading, set the keys object to suitable keymapping as well as filetype to python. For sourcing any previous set clusters, set sourceOnStart = true:

    build = ':lua require("lazydbrix").install()',
    ft = {"python"},
    opts = {sourceOnStart = true},
    keys = {
            "<leader>do", ':lua require("lazydbrix").open()<CR>',
    dependencies = {"voldikss/vim-floaterm"}

🛠️ Setup

These are all the available and default configurations (found in defaults.lua) that can be passed to the setup(opts) function:

    sourceOnStart = false, -- Boolean | source the output file on startup
    dependencies = {"go"}, -- table | dependencies for running install()
    branch = "main", -- string | which branch to install lazydrix binary from, usefull for debuggin

    -- Only change the delow if you know what you're doing
    file = install.file(), -- string | output file for cluster selection, defaults to ~/.cache/nvim/lazydbrix/cluster_selection.nvim
    bin = install.bin() -- string | path to installed lazydbrix binary, defaults to ~/go/bin/lazydbrix (see install.bin() for more info)

📶 Roadmap

Feature Status
tbd 🟡