Terraform code for creating a Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Talos Linux
Cloud Infra - Creates the cloud infastructure required for the cluster
- VPC, Loadbalancer, security groups, autoscaling groups
- Config - Creates machine configs (applied as user data to the autoscaling group launch configs)
- Bootstrap - Bootstraps Talos and creates kubeconfig
Post Install
- Bootstrap FluxCD (optional - disabled by default, configurable by the
terraform variable)- Designed to work with the Flux Bootstrap Repository
- Creates service account for AWS EBS CSI Driver and store credentials in a secret
- Creates keys for linkerd / cert manager to use
- Creates config secrets for autoscaler
- Installs Cilium and creates keys for hubble to use cert-manager
- Bootstrap FluxCD (optional - disabled by default, configurable by the
When Terraform has completed, there will be a kubeconfig
and talosconfig
file in your working directory; after about a minute after completion you should have a functional cluster
See variables.tf
for available variables and descriptions