Navigate to the project directory and install all the required dependencies:
cd travelmate-api
npm run install
- copy env.example to .env run
cp .env.example .env
# up database run
docker-compose up
# up application on dev mode runs
npm run start:dev
- core
- for initialize core modules that use as a global such as database config
- modules
- for custom module such as user, product etc
- common
- for code base that use as a global such as global enum, global dto
- migrations
- for database migrations
- Automatically generate schema from entities run
npm run migration:generate --name={migration name} #for example npm run migration:generate --name=generate-schema
- to create a new migration run
npm run migration:create --name={migration name} #for example npm run migration:create --name=create-user-table
- to apply to database stop docker and run
docker-compose up