Configs, Shell-scripts, NodeRED-Flows
- Global management
- Show Mosquitto, NodeRED running status(port num)
./ --status
- broker.conf : Mosquitto configuration file with brief description.
- broker.acl : Mosquitto ACL Authorize configuration with brief description.
- Export configuration file to desired path.
- Export Config
./ --conf
- Export ACL
./ --acl
- Start, stop and log broker process.
- Start Broker
./ --up
- Stop Broker
./ --down
- Show Log
./ --log
- Managing MQTT security setting (user)
- Add user
./ --new
- Show all users
./ --all
sql file for creating table scheme
- Export NodeRED flows & settings.
- Export settings.js from repository -> to ~/.node-red
./ --settings
- Export flows.js from repository -> to ~/.node-red
./ --flows
- Import NodeRED flows & settings.
- Import settings.js from ~/.node-red -> to repository
./ --settings
- Import flows.js from ~/.node-red -> to repository
./ --flows
- Start, stop and log NodeRED process
- Start NodeRED
./ --up
- Stop NodeRED
./ --down
- Show log
./ --log
- Show changes
./ --diff-flows