Screen Sound is a console application developed in C# that manages a list of bands. Users can view existing bands, add new ones, and interact with the application’s menu-driven interface.
- Display a welcome message with ASCII art.
- Showcase a menu with options to:
- List all registered bands.
- Register a new band.
- Exit the application.
- Manage the list of bands using a
- .NET SDK installed on your machine.
- Clone the repository:
git clone [](
cd CSharp-Fundamentals
- Run the application:
dotnet run
: Main application file containing the core logic.
The application starts by displaying a welcome message using ASCII art. It then presents a menu with options to list all registered bands, register a new band, or exit the application. The list of bands is managed using a List<string>
// Welcome message
string mensagemDeBoasVindas = "Boas vindas ao Screen Sound";
// List of bands
List<string> listaDasBandas = new List<string> { "U2", "The Beatles", "Calypso" };
// Display logo
void ExibirLogo()
// ASCII art here
// Display menu options
void ExibirOpcoesDoMenu()
Console.WriteLine("\nDigite 1 para listar todas as bandas");
Console.WriteLine("Digite 2 para registrar uma nova banda");
Console.WriteLine("Digite 0 para sair");
string opcaoEscolhida = Console.ReadLine()!;
int opcaoEscolhidaNumerica = int.Parse(opcaoEscolhida);
switch (opcaoEscolhidaNumerica)
case 1:
// List bands
case 2:
// Register new band
case 0:
// Exit
Console.WriteLine("Tchau tchau :)");
Console.WriteLine("Opção inválida");
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Please ensure that your contributions align with the project’s coding standards and add value to the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.