A basic URL Shortener
****## Setup
- Start a Postgres DB:
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust --name=short_db postgres
mix setup
- w/ iex console
iex -S mix phx.server
- for load testing
MIX_ENV=prod DATABASE_URL=ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/short_dev SECRET_KEY_BASE=ZkgY71i21heqrNTge2P04wBR180ItBba2pchU4r7s/Prnza4qT+qyFSXk7LGTKK4 PHX_HOST=localhost mix do phx.digest, phx.server
mix test
To start "Short":
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:8080
from your browser.
- avoid getting tied to the database/datastore
- winner for now:
- wants
- compact
- ideally indexes well
- Options
- UUIDv7?
- compact
- no control for compactness
- ideally indexes well
- compact
- puid?
- compact
- highly configurable
- ideally indexes well
- unsure on index performance
- does not seem to have a time-based component prefixing it, just pure
- could maybe be partially modified to prefix w/ epoch
- compact
- typeid-elixir?
- compact
- no control for compactness
- ideally indexes well
- compact
- uxid-ex?
- compact
- ideally indexes well
- probably fits the bill
- no control for character set
- nanoid?
- compact
- ideally indexes well
- there's better options
- UUIDv7?
- mitigations for negatives
- If we want super-short strings, without having to code "retry" logic, can just have a bunch of pregenerated IDs in some data-structure/datastore that we pop off as we need them
- not concerned about this
- datastore is mostly a write-cache
- for stats, start dumb (ets counters), maybe make better (events per redirect, storing client info, periodic aggregation)
- winner for now:
GenServer combined w/ SQL (UPDATE ... SET times_used + $1
)- a lot of the process lifecycle would be reused anyway even w/
or periodic DB aggregate approach - I'm assuming this interview is to also see if I understand OTP, so might as well
- a lot of the process lifecycle would be reused anyway even w/
- wants
- speedy collection/broadcast of increments
- accuracy of increments
- not important
- synchronous updates
- Options
:counters.new(1, [:write_concurrency])
& and ets table or registry- periodically write back to database
- hydrate counters from database at startup
- if we want the numbers to match "perfect" we can
the counter - if distributed we can just create the counters, and always read from DB
- if we want the numbers to match "perfect" we can
- a bit overkill to start
- reading the counts on a distributed cluster is more involved if not reading from the DB
- events store (just postgres table to start) with fast inserts
- periodically aggregated
- stats could read from aggregated table/column
- naturally limited by performance of event store
- could still be combined with other options anyway
- Counter GenServer "short link" w/ DynamicSupervisor/PartitionSupervisor & Registry
- simple
will take you a long way- naturally limited by bandwidth of the process, even w/
- causing a supervision crash of supervisor will kill all counters in naive case
will avoid typical supervision crashes (it's:one_for_one
)- w/ a proper interface could be replaced w/ the
approach w/ minimal client changes
SQL statement- super simple
- limited by throughput characteristics of DB & connections
- mitigations for negatives
- if using OTP constructs, and distribution is wanted, we should use
, notHorde
- No
support inHorde
- Testing is harder in
(ask me how I know :D) - Horde issue: derekkraan/horde#234
- No
- simple, async-first
context moduleslug
is always the "key" regardless of whether it points to a GenServer, a:counter
, or DB rowincrement/1
- if using OTP constructs, and distribution is wanted, we should use
- Form on root
- validate invalid URL schemes
- slug auto-generates
- redirect slug to original
- Stats page
- [?] Performance capabilities
- Form @ 5 req/sec
@ 25 req/sec - I don't see why not, especially w/
, but it's later and I didn't want to put the work in to figure out how to validate responses that are not 200s. Could probably usewrk