Documentation of code for study: Quantification of near-work and peripheral defocus
Purpose: Gaze data is matched with 2D image of a point cloud. Code extract and visualize
A) Accumulative figure of depth data at gaze coordinates
B) Accumulative dioptric landscape matched at gaze coordinates
A) Aim: to compare objective and subjective data - distance to point of regard
matlab: extract_gaze_depth_from_PoR.m
- extract distance to point of regard from all point clouds
- apply clustering filter to validate depth data
matlab: royale_LEVEL1_extract_depth_data_at_PoR.m
- access point cloud
Jupyter notebook, python: studyII_raw_data_dioptric_demand.jpynb
- extract annotated labels and timestamps from eye-tracking data
- extract diary data
- visualize all data
dependencies: from studyII_helpers_lib import DataAccess as get_px_meta
- Easy access of px individuals meta data from studyII_helpers_lib import VisualizeData
- Visualisation of data
B) Aim: Creates accumulative dioptric maps per participant / also if multiple recordings that are aligned at gaze coordinates from point cloud data and gaze estimates.
matlab: extract_clustered_depth_reference_PoR.mlx
extract dioptric maps with reference point of regard (gaze coordinates)
- extract_clustered_depth_data.m Extract each point cloud, applies clustering filter
- recoridng_fp == filepath of recording folder Data from each participant
- disp_pointcloud - visualize point cloud (very slow but looks good) Optional to visualize data on the go
- studyII_helpers_lib.m Provides participant meta data e.g., recording locations
Output csv: clustered_depth_data_with_reference_PoR.csv clustered_depth_data_PoR_counter.csv
Jupyter notebook, python: dioptric_landscapes_studyII.jpynb
summarises dioptric demand for participants and visualisation
dependencies: from studyII_helpers_lib import DataAccess as get_px_meta
- Easy access of px individuals meta data from studyII_helpers_lib import VisualizeData
- Visualisation of data