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Management od a database schema represents not only a definition, but a lot of additional supporting task as well
- documentation
- vizualization
- evolution (migrations)
- 'the same version' policy in a multi-tenancy system
- creation of data set for unit/integration testing
At the same time I would like to have only one, DSL based, human readable and pleasantly fotmatted schema definition. Let me introduce the answer: Caracas
Caracas.schema 'demo' do
table 'user' do
tags [:foo]
column 'email', :text, {null: false, limit: 255}
column 'name', :text, {null: false, limit: 255}
column 'age', :integer
table 'address' do
tags [:foo, :bar]
column 'street', :text, {null: false, limit: 255}
column 'city', :text, {null: false, limit: 255}
fk 'user_id', 'user'