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The penumbers code leverages pindexer to display user metrics about Penumbra network activity.

Getting Started

The application is written in Remix, and uses [pnpm] for package management. The fastest way to get started on the development environment is to use Nix:

sh <(curl -L
nix develop
just dev

However, you still need a database to connect to.

Connecting to a database

The penumbers application requires a PostgreSQL database containing ABCI event information as written by pindexer. You can set up a local devnet by following the Penumbra devnet quickstart guide, or plug in credentials for an already running database via environment variables:

# add these to e.g. `.envrc`:
# optional: if you see "self-signed certificate in certificate chain" errors,
# you'll likely need to export a `ca-cert.pem` file for the DB TLS.
# export PENUMBRA_INDEXER_CA_CERT="$(cat ca-cert.pem)"

If you see an error self-signed certificate in certificate chain, then you'll need to:

  1. obtain the CA certificate file for the backend database you're connecting to, and export it as PENUMBRA_INDEXER_CA_CERT.
  2. remove the sslmode=require string on the PENUMBRA_INDEXER_ENDPOINT var.

See context in penumbra-zone/dex-explorer#55. After configuring that information, run just dev again in the nix shell, and you should have events visible.

Coingecko API

The application uses the Coingecko API to fetch the current price of the shielded tokens. You can set the API key by setting the environment variable COINGECKO_API_KEY. export COINGECKO_API_KEY=CG-xxxxx


Merges to main will automatically build a container, hosted at In order to run the application, you'll need to deploy a Penumbra fullnode, with ABCI event indexing enabled. Furthermore, you'll need to run [pindexer] and provide read-only access to that database to the application. The relevant environment variables you'll want to set are:

  • PENUMBRA_INDEXER_ENDPOINT: the URL to a Postgres database, managed by pindexer
  • PENUMBRA_INDEXER_CA_CERT: optional; if set, the database connection will use the provided certificate authority when validating TLS


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