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Gary Pollice edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 1 revision

This page contains instructions for building WPI Suite on your computer. If you have not already setup your development environment, see Setting Up Your Development Environment.

At this point, there are probably errors in your workspace. They should all be related to missing project dependencies, like .jar files and libraries. To fix them:

  1. Open the Project menu in Eclipse and uncheck the option to build automatically.
  2. Next, open the Project menu again and click Clean All Projects.
  3. In the dialog that opens, select the options to start a build immediately and to build entire workspace. Click OK.

After completing the steps above, there may still be errors in your workspace. To fix them:

  1. Select the WPI-Suite-Interfaces project in the Eclipse project explorer tab. Right-click on it and click Build Project.
  2. Next, right-click on the WPISuite project and click Refresh.

If you have not created a module yet (like the Post Board module), then there will still be some build path errors. To fix this error you need to go into the WPISuite project right click Build Path > Configure Build Path> Libraries and remove the related Jars.

After removing the jar, you will also need to remove it from the entity manager. This can be found under WPISuite>Java Resources> src> edu.wpi.cs.wpisuitetng and Manager layer. You will need to remove the associated import and map.put(MODULE NAME).

All build errors should now be resolved. If they are not, try selecting Build All from the Project menu. If necessary repeat.