You can check this running in my personal Heroku Cloud
It's running via Heroku's Hobby Dev free Dynos
And Hobby Dev postgresql
Developing this simple app and deploying to Heroku's infra was useful for me to mature some Developer tech skills.
I also made a lot of research about why I'd use the tutorial's libs or another.
Ex: the tutorial uses compojure and lein, which I'm not much of a fan of any.
Pedestal vs compojure would apply some more unnecessary interceptors complexity in routers.
But probably Pedestal would be a better lib for real-world application.
Also, for clojurescript fullstack apps, reitit would be a better choice.
And for SQL manipulation, is simpler and data oriented, whilst hugsql would let us write plain SQL.
Maybe the next step would be adding a Docker postgres config
For running this locally, currently you'd need a local postgres configuration.
Some more research links for beginners:
A simple Clojure web app, using ring, compojure and hiccup. Short text messages called "shouts" can be entered and the last 100 shouts are shown on the page.
Shout text strings are stored in a postgres database
You can deploy your own copy of the Shouter app on Heroku via
If you do not have an account on Heroku, you will be promted to create one for free
To deploy the Shouter Clojure app on Heroku, first clone the project using git clone clone-URL
, the clone-URL is underneat the repository menu on the right hand side of this page.
Assuming you have Heroku Toolbelt installed, run heroku create
from within the directory created by the previous clone command.
Add a postgres database to your heroku app using the command:
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
This command adds a free Heroku postgres database plan
Now deploy the Shouter web app to Heroku using the command:
git push heroku master
Copyright Aaron Bedra
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.