MIDI USB hexagonal interface made of 7 pads with velocity, aftertouch, and and a distance sensor
- Adafruit_FreeTouch
- Adafruit_VL53L0X
- MovingAverage
- Canal 1 -> Pad 1
- Canal 2 -> Pad 2
- Canal 3 -> Pad 3
- Canal 4 -> Pad 4
- Canal 5 -> Pad 5
- Canal 6 -> Pad 6
- Canal 7 -> Pad 7
MIDI controller | Description |
Controleur 1 | MIDI channel |
Controleur 2 | MIDI note |
Controleur 3 | Trig mode (percu,key,button) |
Controleur 4 | Velocity curve |
Controleur 5 | Aftertouch curve |
Controleur 6 | Disable piezo |
Controleur 7 | Disable QTouch (MIDI note is QT1) |
- Canal 14 -> Advenced Settings
MIDI controller | Description |
Controleur 1 | Piezo Threshold |
Controleur 2 | Piezo Sensitivity |
Controleur 3 | Piezo Debounce Time |
Controleur 4 | Qtouch RoudOff |
- Canal 15 -> réglages capteur distance
MIDI controller | Description |
Controleur 1 | MIDI channel |
Controleur 2 | MIDI note (mode single note or button or first scale note, modulate velocity) |
Controleur 3 | Trig mode (range CTL, single note, button, note scale) |
Controleur 4 | Curve |
Controleur 5 | Disable sensor |
Controleur 6 | LOW threshold(mm) LSB |
Controleur 7 | LOW threshold(mm) MSB |
Controleur 8 | HIGH threshold(mm) LSB |
Controleur 9 | HIGH threshold(mm) MSB |
Controleur 10 | MIDI controller LSB |
Controleur 11 | MIDI controller MSB |
Controleur 12 | Scale LSB |
Controleur 13 | Scale MSB |
Controleur 14 | Scale octaves |
- Canal 16 -> réglages globaux
MIDI controller | Description |
Controleur 1 | MIDI channel (all) |
Controleur 2 | Enable global |
Controleur 3 | Trig mode |
Controleur 4 | Velocity curve |
Controleur 5 | Aftertouch curve |
Controleur 6 | Disable piezo |
Controleur 7 | Disable QTouch (MIDI note is QT1) |