An OpenScad library that create 2D5 shapes
Create a shape with rounded corners
- points: vector of 2D points, points that form the underlying polygon
- radiuses: vector of points, radiuses of the rounded corners
- height: real positive, height of extrusion
Create a hollow shape with rounded corners
- points: vector of 2D points, points that form the underlying polygon
- radiuses: vector of points, radiuses of the rounded corners
- thickness: real positive, thickness of the hollow shape (absolutely constant when mathematically possible)
- height: real positive, height of extrusion
Create an open shape (wire) with rounded corners
- points: vector of 2D points, points that form the underlying broken lines
- radiuses: vector of points, radiuses of the rounded corners
- thickness: real positive, thickness of the line
- height: real positive, height of extrusion
- Draw the shape conter-clockwise (not necessary for oshape25)
- Fillets must not enter in conflict (keep always a small edge between)
- See the lib file and the examples folder