LPJS (Lightweight Portable Job Scheduler) is a batch system, i.e. a job scheduler and resource manager for HPC (High Performance Computing) clusters and HTC (High Throughput Computing) grids. A cluster or grid is anywhere from one to thousands of computers (called nodes) with managed CPU and memory resources, for the purpose of performing computationally intensive jobs in parallel (simultaneously).
Unlike other batch systems, LPJS is designed to be simple, easy to deploy, manage and use, and portable to all POSIX platforms.
Users are often forced to use a particular operating system by software vendors, who only support one or a few systems. In contrast, LPJS will never limit your freedom to choose between POSIX-based systems. This choice should be based on the technical merits of the OS, such as reliability and performance, not on which platforms will run the software you need.
With LPJS, you can even use multiple operating systems in the same cluster or grid. E.g., use RHEL on some nodes to run commercial software, Debian or FreeBSD for easy installation of open source software from huge package collections, DragonFly for optimal multithreading, macOS to capitalize on the power of Apple Silicon systems, or OpenBSD for maximum security. Use the highly portable NetBSD to utilize hardware not supported by other platforms.
Use the portable dreckly package manager to install common software on all of your nodes, whether running BSD, Linux, macOS, or any other POSIX platform. The dreckly and dreckly package managers are portable to virtually all POSIX-compatible systems and provide one of the largest package collections among existing package managers. Hence, dreckly and dreckly enable the use of multiple operating systems running identical versions of numerous software applications.
The main difference between the two is that dreckly tends to move forward with updates faster, while the dreckly culture leans more toward stability. Hence, dreckly will likely update packages to the latest version more quickly, at the cost of more frequent regressions (packages broken that were working before).
HPC and HTC are inherently somewhat complicated. Nevertheless, most software used in the industry makes it harder than it needs to be. LPJS is meant to be as user-friendly as possible. To that end, we strive for the following goals above all else:
Wherever feasible, solve problems automatically without asking anything of the end-user.
Where it is not feasible to handle a problem automatically:
- Describe the problem clearly on the terminal or in the logs
- Suggest a solution or diagnostic test, so end-users can reach a solution with minimal wasted effort
LPJS is working reliably on our bare-metal FreeBSD + Mac clusters for simple shared-memory multiprocessing jobs and job arrays. Support for other platforms will be thoroughly tested after ironing out the remaining issues with these two. Testing extensive changes on numerous platforms has proven to be too squirrely. There may also be issues with VirtualBox and Qemu networking, which would confound diagnosis on our Linux and other BSD installations.
Most remaining issues are related to network fault tolerance. These will take some time to iron out, as it means adding checks to handle all of the many possible situations where a network connection fails.
However, correct batch scripts running on reliable hardware should generally work fine at this stage. The one-node instant cluster option (in the "lpjs admin" menu) should work well for most people, as it does not rely on networking. This is generally the first step to trying out LPJS anyway.
Support for unreliable networks and compute nodes (part-time resources that are likely to spontaneously disconnect) is a can of worms we're going to kick down the road a bit. This will be fully supported in the future, but for now, we'll focus on reliable, dedicated hardware.
Development will continue to move slowly as we focus on improving code quality and robustness before adding new features. The user interface may undergo significant changes as testing reveals oversights in design.
Example job scripts for a real RNA-Seq differential analysis are available at https://github.com/auerlab/fasda/tree/main/Yeast-test/LPJS (very quick analysis of yeast RNA, a very small genome) and https://github.com/auerlab/CNC-EMDiff/tree/master/RNA-Seq/LPJS (more involved analysis of mouse RNA, a large genome). The output below shows LPJS performing adapter trimming on our small hybrid test cluster consisting of PC workstations, Virtual Machines, and a Mac Mini M1.
FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~/Barracuda/CNC-EMDiff/RNA-Seq/LPJS 1007: lpjs submit 04-trim.lpjs
Spooled job 583 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/583.
Spooled job 584 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/584.
Spooled job 585 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/585.
Spooled job 586 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/586.
Spooled job 587 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/587.
Spooled job 588 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/588.
Spooled job 589 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/589.
Spooled job 590 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/590.
Spooled job 591 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/591.
Spooled job 592 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/592.
Spooled job 593 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/593.
Spooled job 594 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/594.
Spooled job 595 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/595.
Spooled job 596 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/596.
Spooled job 597 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/597.
Spooled job 598 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/598.
Spooled job 599 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/599.
Spooled job 600 to /usr/local/var/spool/lpjs/pending/600.
FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~/Barracuda/CNC-EMDiff/RNA-Seq/LPJS 1009: lpjs nodes
Hostname State Procs Used PhysMiB Used OS Arch
barracuda.acadix.biz up 4 4 16350 40 FreeBSD amd64
tarpon.acadix.biz up 8 8 8192 80 Darwin arm64
herring.acadix.biz up 4 4 1000 40 FreeBSD arm64
netbsd9.acadix.biz up 2 2 4095 20 NetBSD amd64
alma8.acadix.biz up 2 2 3653 20 RHEL x86_64
Total up 20 20 33290 200 - -
Total down 0 0 0 0 - -
FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~/Barracuda/CNC-EMDiff/RNA-Seq/LPJS 1010: lpjs jobs
Legend: P = processor J = job N = node S = submission
JobID IDX Jobs P/J P/N MiB/P User Compute-node Script
583 1 18 2 2 10 bacon barracuda.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
584 2 18 2 2 10 bacon barracuda.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
585 3 18 2 2 10 bacon tarpon.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
586 4 18 2 2 10 bacon tarpon.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
587 5 18 2 2 10 bacon tarpon.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
588 6 18 2 2 10 bacon tarpon.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
590 8 18 2 2 10 bacon herring.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
591 9 18 2 2 10 bacon netbsd9.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
592 10 18 2 2 10 bacon alma8.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
593 11 18 2 2 10 bacon herring.acadix.biz 04-trim.lpjs
JobID IDX Jobs P/J P/N MiB/P User Compute-node Script
594 12 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
595 13 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
596 14 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
597 15 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
598 16 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
599 17 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
600 18 18 2 2 10 bacon TBD 04-trim.lpjs
Basic usability for those willing to test alpha-quality software and provide feedback will be indicated by the first full release, 0.1.0.
LPJS is currently being integrated with SPCM (Simple, Portable Cluster Manager) which was originally developed for SLURM clusters. The integration is mostly complete, and the next SPCM release will coincide with the first LPJS release. Below is a screenshot showing "lpjs nodes" output during SPCM automated compute node updates.
FreeBSD head.albacore bacon ~ 1000: lpjs nodes
Hostname State Procs Used PhysMiB Used OS Arch
compute-001.albacore up 16 0 65476 0 FreeBSD amd64
compute-002.albacore down 16 0 65477 0 FreeBSD amd64
compute-003.albacore updating 16 0 65477 0 FreeBSD amd64
compute-004.albacore updating 16 0 65477 0 FreeBSD amd64
compute-005.albacore updating 16 0 131012 0 FreeBSD amd64
compute-006.albacore updating 16 0 131012 0 FreeBSD amd64
Total up 16 0 65476 0 - -
Total down 80 0 458455 0 - -
Apple's ARM-based computers, known as "Apple Silicon", are extremely fast, power-efficient, and quiet, making them ideal hardware for small-scale HPC in the office.
However, compute nodes running macOS and accessing file servers are currently problematic, due to a macOS security feature called full disk access. MacOS requires the desktop user to grant each application permission to access certain directories, including those on remote file servers, via a popup window on the desktop. There is no command-line alternative for granting permissions, as providing one would essentially allow malware to grant itself permissions.
The LPJS compute node daemon, lpjs_compd, needs access to HPC file servers in order to create files and directories for running jobs. Each time lpjs_compd is updated, macOS revokes previous full disk access authorizations, until the desktop user authorizes it again via the macOS graphical interface. There does not appear to be way around this behavior, other than completely disabling the SIP (System Integrity Protections).
This issue has been reported via the Apple Developer platform:
Contact Apple if you would like to see it addressed.
There are a few possible workarounds:
Don't use a file server from macOS compute nodes. This complicates jobs scripts, however, as they will need to automatically download input files and upload results. At minimum, the job script must define
#lpjs pull-command
and#lpjs push-command
. File transfers are tricky and difficult to debug, so we don't recommend using this approach unless you really have to. -
Use a virtual machine (VM) to run jobs on macOS compute nodes under another operating system, such as BSD or Linux. There are several free desktop virtual machine monitors available, such as UTM, VirtualBox and VMWARE, as well as lightweight hypervisors such as Qemu and xhyve. We've had good luck with VirtualBox, which is free and mostly open source, and as of version 7.1.0, supports both Intel and ARM guests on macOS hosts.
This script will very quickly create and launch a Qemu based FreeBSD VM on an Intel or Arm Mac. Just download the script and run it with the FreeBSD release, memory size in mebibytes, and number of processors to emulate as arguments:
sh ./qemu-freebsd-guest 14.2-RELEASE 4096 4
Run the same command to launch the VM again in the future.
After logging into the VM as root, perform some basic setup:
passwd # Set a password for the root account pkg install -y auto-admin # Install easy-to-use admin menu auto-admin # Add users, install software, etc.
On FreeBSD, a wide variety of software can be installed in seconds, including a suite of tools for RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, and ChIP-Seq analyses. You can use the auto-admin menu, or the ```pkg`` command directly:
pkg install -y rna-seq atac-seq chip-seq
The VM can be run in "headless" mode. First, enable ssh in the FreeBSD VM:
sysrc sshd_enable=YES # Enable at boot service sshd start # Start service
From the macOS host, test ssh:
ssh -X -p 8022 localhost
To run headless, shut down the VM by running
shutdown -p now
as root in FreeBSD. Then on the host Mac:sh ./qemu-freebsd-guest 14.2-RELEASE 4096 4 -display none
The FreeBSD virtual disk is initially sized at 20GB, but can be expanded by simply growing the disk image file. FreeBSD will automatically extend the filesystem to fill the added space during the next boot. To add 5 more GB:
- Make sure the VM is not running (
shutdown -p now
in the VM) - On the Mac host: truncate -s +5G ~/Qemu/FreeBSD-14.2-RELEASE-amd64.raw
- Make sure the VM is not running (
Running a 1-node instant cluster on macOS should work just fine, with no need for push and pull commands, as long as your jobs don't try to access any folders protected by full disk access checks. Protected folders include each user's Documents folder, all folders shared by remote computers, and possibly others. If you place all your LPJS job scripts and data under an unprotected folder, such as ~/Data, LPJS should not encounter any problems.
LPJS, like other job schedulers and resource managers, is a tool that facilitates remote execution of arbitrary code. These words should instill a healthy level of fear, and motivate you to be extra careful to protect your own data security.
LPJS is designed with
security in mind, but no software system can protect you from the
carelessness of its users. To the extent possible,
enforce the usual best practices regarding
password strength, password secrecy (we recommend tools such as
KeePassXC), etc., with extra diligence.
No software system is perfect, either. We fully expect to discover vulnerabilities in LPJS and in the tools and libraries on which it depends.
LPJS should not be relied on as the primary security layer. All nodes should have appropriate firewall settings to prohibit unauthorized network connections. We recommend only accepting incoming connections from known and trusted hosts.
LPJS uses munge to authenticate messages between nodes. This requires all nodes to have a shared munge key file. THE MUNGE KEY FILE MUST BE KEPT SECURE AT ALL TIMES ON ALL NODES. Use secure procedures to distribute it to all nodes, ensuring that it is never visible to anyone except the systems manager, even for a moment.
If utilizing publicly accessible computers as compute nodes, you might consider running LPJS inside a virtual machine, jail, or other container, to add another layer of protection for the host system. We do not recommend this for dedicated compute nodes, as it would generally only add needless overhead within a realm of trust.
Most clusters consist of a few or many dedicated rack-mounted computers linked together with a private high-speed network, to maximize the speed of data exchange between the nodes, and to isolate the heavy traffic they generate from the broader organizational (company, campus, etc.) network. Cluster nodes typically have shared access to file servers (A.K.A. I/O nodes) using NFS or similar services.
Grids are similar to clusters, but usually consist of more loosely coupled, non-dedicated machines over a wider area, such as desktop computers that may not even be on the same site. They usually do not have a dedicated network or access to a common file server. Hence, they compete with non-grid usage of the organizational network, and are not generally suitable for parallel applications that generate large amounts of network traffic, e.g. MPI (Message Passing Interface) programs.
In both clusters and grids, there are multiple "compute nodes", which actually run the computational programs, and a "head node", dedicated to keeping track of available CPU cores and memory on the compute nodes, and dispatching jobs from a queue when possible.
There may also be additional node types, such as "visualization" nodes, which contain graphical software for examining analysis results on the cluster, so they don't have to be transferred to a workstation or laptop first. Note, however, that immediately copying results to another location is generally a good idea, so that you have a backup in case of accidental deletion, disk failure, etc. Also, running graphical applications over a network is never as easy or performant as running on your PC console.
Using LPJS and similar systems, users can queue jobs to run as soon as resources become available. Compute nodes with available cores and memory are automatically selected, and programs usually run unattended (in what is called batch mode), redirecting terminal output to files. It is possible to run interactive jobs on some clusters, but this is rare and typically only used for debugging. Jobs may start running as soon as they are submitted, or they may wait in the queue until sufficient resources become available. Either way, once you have submitted a job, you can focus on other things, knowing that your job will begin as soon as possible.
Users should, however, keep a close eye on their running jobs to make sure they are working properly. This avoids wasting resources and shows common courtesy to other cluster/grid users.
Most existing batch systems are extremely complex, including our long-time favorite, SLURM, which was originally an acronym for "Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management", but is no longer simple by any stretch of the imagination. The 'S' in SLURM has become somewhat of an irony as it has evolved into the premier batch system for massive and complex HPC clusters.
Note that THERE IS NOTHING INHERENTLY COMPLICATED ABOUT AN HPC CLUSTER OR GRID. In its basic form, it's just a computer network with a head node for tracking resource use, some compute nodes, possibly one or more file servers, and some software to manage computing resources. You can make a cluster or grid as complicated as you wish, but small, simple clusters and grids can reduce computation time by orders of magnitude, often reducing months of computation to hours, or years days.
Overly complex HPC tools present a barrier to learning and research for those who have no ready access to centralized HPC resources. In major research institutions, centralizing HPC into large clusters can improve utilization of resources and reduce overall costs. In many organizations, however, building a large cluster and staffing a support group is simply not feasible. The talent pool for managing complex HPC resources is extremely limited, and many organizations simply cannot recruit the necessary staff, even if they can afford them. I speak from ten years of experience supporting HPC and HTC at an R1 (top tier) research university.
Large HPC clusters are dominated by Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and its derivatives, for many good reasons. For one thing, RHEL is the only platform besides Windows that is supported by many commercial science and engineering applications, such as ANSYS, Fluent, Abacus, etc. Unfortunately, RHEL achieves enterprise reliability and long-term binary compatibility by using older, time-tested and debugged Linux kernels, compilers, and other tools, which often make it difficult to build the latest open source software. Many open source developers flatly refuse to support older compilers and libraries like those used by RHEL. Facilitating small-scale HPC on platforms other than RHEL can eliminate this issue for open source software users, though RHEL and its derivatives will always be fully supported by LPJS.
The LPJS project does not aim to compete for market share on TOP500 clusters. In contrast, we are committed to serving the small-scale HPC niche that most other HPC software has abandoned, by adhering to the following design principals:
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid): We will not allow LPJS to fall victim to creeping feature syndrome (A.K.A. feature creep), where software complexity grows steadily without limit to the demise of portability, reliability and maintainability. Our focus is on improving quality in essential features rather than adding "cool" new features for emotional appeal. Modularity is the key to maintainable software. Hence, we will not add functionality that can be readily provided by independent tools. E.g. file transfer for nodes that lack direct access to files can be provided by highly-evolved, portable tools such as curl and rsync. This follows the design philosophy of the C language, which does not provide syntactic features that can be readily provided by a library function.
Complete portability across the POSIX world: One of our primary goals is to foster research and development of HPC clusters using any POSIX operating system on any hardware or virtual/cloud platform. You can certainly run LPJS on RHEL/x86 if you like, but you can also use Debian Linux, Dragonfly BSD, FreeBSD, Illumos, MacOS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Ubuntu, or any of the other dozens of Unix-like systems available, on any hardware that they support. In fact, one could easily run a chimeric cluster with multiple operating systems. Use RHEL derivatives for some nodes to support commercial software, and more modern systems for the latest open source. Our test environment currently includes six different operating systems on three different CPU architectures:
FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~/Prog/Src/LPJS 1029: lpjs nodes Hostname State Cores Used Physmem Used OS Arch coral Up 4 0 7962 0 FreeBSD amd64 herring Up 4 0 1000 0 FreeBSD arm64 ramora Up 2 0 2036 0 FreeBSD riscv netbsd9 Up 2 0 1023 0 NetBSD amd64 alma8 Up 1 0 976 0 Linux x86_64 abalone Up 4 0 8192 0 Darwin x86_64 tarpon Up 8 0 8192 0 Darwin arm64 dragonfly Up 2 0 993 0 DragonFly x86_64 sunfish Up 2 0 972 0 SunOS x86_64
MS Windows is the only popular operating system that is not POSIX-based, and as such is not supported by LPJS. However, Windows machines can be utilized with some sort of POSIX compatibility layer, such as Cygwin or MSYS2. These systems have limitations and performance issues, however, so a virtual machine running a lightweight BSD or Linux system under Windows may be preferable. There are multiple free virtualization options for Windows hosts, including Hyper-V, QEMU, VirtualBox, and VMware. WSL (Windows Services for Linux) is a Hyper-V based Linux VM supported by Microsoft.
Minimal configuration: HPC sysadmins should only be required to provide information that cannot be determined automatically, such as which computers on the network are authorized to act as compute nodes. Compute node hardware specifications are automatically detected on all platforms. Some manual configuration parameters are supported, but not required, to override defaults.
Unambiguous and intuitive user interface: Commands and options are spelled out in a way that is easy to remember and won't be confused with others. We won't invent new Jargon just to make ourselves look clever.
Simple, easily readable default output formats. More sophisticated output may be provided by non-default command line flags.
User-friendliness: We do our best to maintain good documentation, but also to make it unnecessary via meaningful error messages, help features, and an intuitive user interface. A menu interface is included for the most common tasks.
Flexibility: Run on dedicated hardware for maximum performance, utilize your Mac lab as an HPC cluster during off hours for maximum cost efficiency, or link together multiple laptops in the field for quick and dirty data analysis. Quickly deploy on as many cloud instances as you need for this week's computations. You can even configure a single PC as a cluster for the sake of queuing jobs to maximize utilization of its limited resources.
The only networking requirement is that all compute nodes can connect to the head node. The head node can use an IP that is directly routable from all nodes, or could itself be behind a router with NAT (network address translation) using port-forwarding.
Hence, any node in the system can be behind a NAT firewall, and could in fact be a virtual machine, a jail, or some other sort of container.
Note that for best communication performance, all nodes should be on the same subnet, preferably with a dedicated switch used only by cluster nodes. However, LPJS is designed to function where this is not possible, and can utilize existing office or campus networks, even the Internet (one of our test compute nodes is several miles from the head node).
LPJS directly provides only functionality that can be implemented with reasonable effort on any POSIX platform, including but not limited to:
Queuing of batch jobs
Management of available cores and memory
Full enforcement of resource limits as stated by job descriptions
Job monitoring
Job accounting (maintaining records of completed jobs)
This does not preclude support for operating system specific features such as cgroups, CUDA, FreeBSD jails, NUMA, CPU affinity, etc., but all such features shall be optional, implemented and installed separately as 3rd-party plugins or other types of add-ons.
LPJS is designed for running properly installed software on clusters and grids. Properly installed generally means installed via a package manager, following the filesystem hierarchy standard. There are many package managers available. See https://repology.org/ for a summary of the most popular ones.
Which package manager is best for you depends on that platform(s) you use. If you run Debian-based systems, Debian packages might be best. If you run FreeBSD, use the FreeBSD ports system. If you run multiple operating systems, we strongly recommend dreckly or dreckly. Dreckly and dreckly are the only truly portable and strongly quality-controlled package managers in existence. Unlike most package managers, using dreckly or dreckly will allow you to easily deploy the exact same versions of the software you need on any mainstream POSIX platform, such as BSD, Linux, and macOS. It also has one of the largest package collections among existing package managers, nearly 20,000 packages and growing at the time of this writing.
Beware "community-based" package managers, to which just about anyone can commit packages. The quality of the packages will be about what you would expect from such a project, and you will waste a lot of time dealing with bugs. For quality-controlled package managers such as Debian packages, dreckly, FreeBSD ports, MacPorts, and dreckly, only trained committers can make changes to the system. Commit rights generally come only after making substantial contributions as a package maintainer, while relying on more experienced users to review and commit changes.
If there is no package for the software you need in your chosen package manager, learn to create one. The modest, one-time investment in learning how to create packages will require a tiny fraction of the time you will waste doing ad hoc software installs over your entire career. Creating your own packages will save you an enormous amount of time in the long run, with the bonus that you are also helping other users, just as others have helped you by creating the packages that already exist. This is how open source works. Contribute a grain of sand and get the rest of the mountain in return.
You can, of course, deploy your computational software using any half-baked method you choose. Common software-deployment follies in HPC and HTC include, but are not limited to, the following:
"Cave-man" installs, where software is manually downloaded, patched, and built. This includes writing ad hoc scripts that serve the same purpose as an established package manager, but do a very poor job in comparison. This often involves installing libraries and other dependencies to separate locations, requiring the user to load numerous "environment modules" of the correct versions just to get one application to run. In contrast, using software installed via a package manager requires either 0 or 1 environment modules. Software installed via the default package manager on a given system (Debian packages on Debian or Ubuntu, FreeBSD ports on FreeBSD, etc.) will just work for everyone. If using an add-on package manager, such as dreckly/dreckly on Linux, loading a single environment module (or updating PATH by other means) will provide access to all of the thousands of packages in the collection.
Containerizing software for no other reason than to work around bad design or build systems. Containers are fantastic tools for many purposes, but like all technologies, often misused. Containerization is often a strategy to avoid fixing the software and build system so that it will play nice with other mainstream software (e.g. within a package manager). The containers often contain ad hoc "cave-man" installs, and the container serves only to bundle the various (often outdated) components and prevent poorly designed applications from conflicting with each other. This approach is extremely high-maintenance compared to maintaining a package for a package manager, where most dependencies are well-maintained by other contributors, and we can trust that they are properly installed.
Trying out LPJS is easy:
- Install LPJS using dreckly, FreeBSD ports, dreckly, or another package manager.
- Run "lpjs ad-hoc".
- Select the 1-node instant cluster option.
Exit the menu, or go to another terminal window, and run "lpjs" for a quick help summary.
For more detailed information, see the administrator's guide at https://github.com/outpaddling/LPJS/blob/main/Doc/lpjs.pdf and the Research Computing User's Guide at https://acadix.biz/publications.php.
The code is organized following basic object-oriented design principals, but implemented in C to minimize overhead and keep the source code accessible to scientists who don't have time to master the complexities of C++.
Structures are treated as classes, with accessor and mutator functions provided, so dependent applications and libraries need not access structure members directly.
For detailed coding standards, see https://github.com/outpaddling/Coding-Standards/.
LPJS is intended to build cleanly in any POSIX environment on any CPU architecture. Please don't hesitate to open an issue if you encounter problems on any Unix-like system.
Primary development is done on FreeBSD with clang, but the code is frequently tested on Linux, MacOS, NetBSD, and OpenIndiana as well. MS Windows is not supported, unless using a POSIX environment such as Cygwin or Windows Subsystem for Linux.
The Makefile is designed to be friendly to package managers, such as Debian packages, dreckly, FreeBSD ports, MacPorts, dreckly, etc.
End users should install using a package manager, to ensure that dependencies are properly managed.
I maintain a FreeBSD port and a dreckly/dreckly package, which is sufficient to install cleanly on virtually any POSIX platform. If you would like to see a package in another package manager, please consider creating a package yourself. LPJS is easy to package and hence a good vehicle to learn how to create packages.
Note that dreckly/dreckly can be used by anyone, on virtually any POSIX operating system, with or without administrator privileges.
For an overview of popular package managers, see the Repology website.
FreeBSD is a highly underrated platform for scientific computing, with over 2,000 scientific libraries and applications in the FreeBSD ports collection (of more than 30,000 total), modern clang compiler, fully-integrated ZFS file system, and renowned security, performance, and reliability. FreeBSD has a somewhat well-earned reputation for being difficult to set up and manage compared to user-friendly systems like Ubuntu. However, if you're a little bit Unix-savvy, you can very quickly set up a workstation, laptop, or virtual machine using desktop-installer. GhostBSD offers an experience very similar to Ubuntu, but is built on FreeBSD rather than Debian Linux. GhostBSD packages lag behind FreeBSD ports slightly, but this is not generally an issue and there are workarounds.
To install the binary package on FreeBSD:
pkg install LPJS
You can just as easily build and install from source. This is useful for FreeBSD ports with special build options, for building with non-portable optimizations such as -march=native, and for work-in-progress ports, for which binary packages are not yet maintained.
cd /usr/ports/biology/lpjs && env CFLAGS='-march=native -O2' make install
cd /usr/ports/wip/lpjs && make install
Dreckly and dreckly are a cross-platform package managers that work on any Unix-like platform. They originated from NetBSD and are well-supported on Illumos, MacOS, RHEL/CentOS, and many other Linux distributions. Unlike most package managers, using dreckly/dreckly does not require admin privileges. You can install a dreckly/dreckly tree in any directory to which you have write access and easily install any of the nearly 20,000 packages in the collection.
The auto-dreckly-setup and auto-dreckly-setup scripts will help you install dreckly or dreckly in about 10 minutes. Just download it and run
sh auto-dreckly-setup
sh auto-dreckly-setup
Then, assuming you selected current packages and the default prefix
source ~/Dreckly/pkg/etc/dreckly.sh # Or dreckly.csh for csh or tcsh
cd ~/Dreckly/dreckly/sysutils/lpjs
sbmake install clean clean-depends
source ~/Dreckly/pkg/etc/dreckly.sh # Or dreckly.csh for csh or tcsh
cd ~/Dreckly/dreckly/sysutils/lpjs
sbmake install clean clean-depends
For dreckly support, visit https://github.com/drecklypkg/dreckly.
If you would like to add this project to another package manager rather than use FreeBSD ports or dreckly, basic manual build instructions for package can be found here. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!