Where there's smoke, there's fire!
Add smokestack to your project.clj as a dependency and use smokestack.middleware.wrap-smokestack when defining your handler.
lein ring server
to run the example
lein test
to run the tests
I recommend only using smokestack middleware in development mode:
(ns middleware.maybe-dev
(:require [util.config :as config]
[smokestack.middleware :as smokestack]
[middleware.bomb-proof :as bomb-proof]
[ring.middleware.reload :as ring-reload]))
(defn wrap-maybe-dev
"pass in the var, not the routes"
(if (#{:dev} config/env)
(-> routes-var
(bomb-proof/wrap-bomb-proof @routes-var)))
Copyright © 2014 Outpace Systems Inc
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.