This OSF storage contains assessment and registration data for OU Libraries research workshops. Clone this repository to your machine, then download the raw_data folder from OSF (contact Claire or Brianna if you need permissions or data) and place it inside the repository.
This folder contains individual figures created. These are not complete reports and do not contain any context.
Stored in OSF Storage as it contains user names. Download separately from OSF and place in /raw_data relatively to metrics repository directory. Contains its own readme with details, but one folder each for pre-workshop (registration) data and post-workshop survey data. Surveys are not 100% of attendance. In 2020 we switched from qualtrics to libcal and have not finished creating scripts to merge those data.
This section contains polished reports suitable for Senior Management Team.
Copntains R and Rmd files for conducting analysis.
- Create_Marketing_Report.R will render a .Rmd file from scripts that creates a word document in Reports.
- survey_link_and_more_resources_slide.pptx is a slide instructors can use that links to the post-workshop survey.
- word_styles.docx is a template used by the .Rmd files in scripts to format .docx as desired.
- workshop_metadata.csv - codes that match up workshop names with codes used in eventbrite. Not needed for newer libcal, but needed for backwards compatibility with the qualtrics and eventbrite data.