Let your students choose their exercises on a game map.
Clone this repository with git and check out the branch that you are interested in (or choose the branch first and then download the archive, but learning how to use git really makes sense).
One thing to note in particular: Common H5P integrations use mySQL databases with
the type of text
for the semantics
field in the h5p_libraries
table. That means
that this field can hold up to 64KB of data. However, semantics.json of GameMap
exceeds that limit, so I came up with a quick fix: I use semantics_src.json and
minify it. That's what I use npm run build_semantics
for. Not ideal, because it requires
you to run it when you change semantics, but for now that's okay. npm run build
and npm run watch
will build the minified semantics, too.
Change to the repository directory and run
npm install
to install required modules. Afterwards, you can build the project using
npm run build
or, if you want to let everything be built continuously while you are making changes to the code, run
npm run watch
Before putting the code in production, you should always run npm run build
Also, you should run
npm run lint
in order to check for coding style guide violations.
The build process will transpile ES6 to earlier versions in order to improve compatibility to older browsers. If you want to use particular functions that some browsers don't support, you'll have to add a polyfill.
The build process will also move the source files into one distribution file and minify the code.
In order to pack an H5P library, please install the H5P CLI tool instead of zipping everything manually. That tool will take care of a couple of things automatically that you will need to know otherwise.
In simple cases, something such as
h5p pack <your-repository-directory> my-awesome-library.h5p
will suffice.
For more information on how to use those distribution files in H5P, please have a look at https://youtu.be/xEgBJaRUBGg and the H5P developer guide at https://h5p.org/library-development.