Made with Expo for IOS device
Want to see the project ? Scan the Qrcode
I. Show the app on your phone
II. Create your own app with expo
If you want to show your app on the screen with a simulator, follow these instructions. If you prefer follow on your Iphone, go to the next step.
- Instal Xcode
- Open Xcode
- Go to Xcode Menu (click on Xcode on the top left) Preferences > Compenents
- Download IOS 15.0 Simulator (or whatever)
- Go to Xcode Menu (click on Xcode on the top left) Open Developer Tool > Simulator
- Choose your device : go to your Dock and right clic on the Simulator Icon App > Device > IOS 15.5 > Iphone 13 Pro
- Install Expo Go
- Create an account
- Install Expo. Go to your Terminal
- Install Expo with npm or yarn (change npm by yarn in the folloing code)
npm install --global expo-cli
- Init your project (call it todolist or wathever)
expo init todolist
- Go to the folder
cd todolist
- Init the project
expo init
- Select >blank
- Type i
- Expo will open the app on your phone or your simulator (or both).
This commande is if you want to star expo after init
expo start