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Stop hana test module
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lpalovsky committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 80d1fed commit 86a7014
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Showing 13 changed files with 834 additions and 6 deletions.
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1460,4 +1462,58 @@ sub generate_lun_list {
$index += $num_luns;

=head2 set_cluster_parameter
set_cluster_parameter(resource=>'Totoro', parameter=>'neighbour', value=>'my');
Manage HA cluster parameter using crm shell.
=item * B<resource>: Resource containing parameter
=item * B<parameter>: Parameter name
=item * B<value>: Target parameter value

sub set_cluster_parameter {
my (%args) = @_;
for my $arg ('resource', 'parameter', 'value') {
croak("Mandatory argument '$arg' missing.") unless $arg;
my $cmd = join(' ', 'crm', 'resource', 'param', $args{resource}, 'set', $args{parameter}, $args{value});

=head2 show_cluster_parameter
show_cluster_parameter(resource=>'Totoro', parameter=>'neighbour');
Show cluster parameter value using CRM shell.
=item * B<resource>: Resource containing parameter
=item * B<parameter>: Parameter name

sub show_cluster_parameter {
my (%args) = @_;
for my $arg ('resource', 'parameter') {
croak("Mandatory argument '$arg' missing.") unless $arg;
my $cmd = join(' ', 'crm', 'resource', 'param', $args{resource}, 'show', $args{parameter});
return script_output($cmd);

45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,4 +178,47 @@ sub check_crm_output {
return (($resource_starting != 1) && ($failed_actions != 1) ? 1 : 0);
=head2 get_primary_node
Returns hostname of current primary node obtained from B<calculate_hana_topology()> output.
=item B<topology_data> - Output from `calculate_hana_topology()` function
sub get_primary_node {
my (%args) = @_;
croak("Argument <topology_data> missing") unless $args{topology_data};
my $topology = $args{topology_data};
for my $db (keys %$topology) {
return $db if $topology->{$db}{sync_state} eq 'PRIM';
=head2 get_failover_node
Returns hostname of current failover (replica) node obtained from B<calculate_hana_topology()> output.
Returns node hostname even if it's in 'SFAIL' state.
=item B<topology_data> - Output from `calculate_hana_topology()` function
sub get_failover_node {
my (%args) = @_;
croak("Argument <topology_data> missing") unless $args{topology_data};
my $topology = $args{topology_data};
for my $db (keys %$topology) {
return $db if grep /$topology->{$db}{sync_state}/, ('SOK', 'SFAIL');
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lib/sles4sap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ sub connect_target_to_serial {
my $redirect_port = get_required_var("QEMUPORT") + 1;
my $redirect_ip = get_var('QEMU_HOST_IP', '');
my $redirect_opts = "-R $redirect_port:$redirect_ip:$redirect_port";
my $switch_root_cmd = $args{switch_root} ? 'sudo su -' : '';
my $switch_root_cmd = $args{switch_root} && $args{ssh_user} ne 'root' ? 'sudo su -' : '';
if ($args{switch_root} && $args{ssh_user} eq 'root') {
record_info('WARNING', 'No need to use switch_root when ssh_user is root. Omitting "sudo su-"');

my $ssh_cmd = join(' ', 'ssh -t', $ssh_opt, $redirect_opts, "$args{ssh_user}\@$args{destination_ip}",
$switch_root_cmd, "2>&1 | tee -a /dev/$serialdev"
Expand Down
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions lib/sles4sap/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# SUSE's openQA tests
# Copyright 2017-2024 SUSE LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP
# Maintainer: QE-SAP <[email protected]>

package sles4sap::database_hana;
use strict;
use warnings;
use testapi;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Exporter qw(import);
use saputils qw(check_crm_output get_primary_node get_failover_node calculate_hana_topology);
use hacluster qw($crm_mon_cmd);
use sles4sap::sapcontrol;

our @EXPORT = qw(

Package contains functions for interacting with hana database and related actions.

=head2 hdb_stop
hdb_stop(instance_id=>'00', [switch_user=>'sidadm', command=>'kill']);
Stop hana database using C<HDB stop> command. Function expects to be executed as sidadm, however you can use B<switch_user>
to execute command using C<sudo su -> as a different user. The user needs to have correct permissions for performing
requested action.
Function waits till all DB processes are stopped.
=item * B<instance_id>: Database instance ID. Mandatory.
=item * B<switch_user>: Execute command as specified user with help of C<sudo su ->. Default: undef
=item * B<command>: HDB command to trigger. Default: stop

sub hdb_stop {
my (%args) = @_;
my $stop_timeout = 600;
$args{command} //= 'stop';
croak("Command '$args{command}' is not supported.") unless grep(/$args{command}/, ('kill', 'stop'));

my $method_cmd = ($args{command} eq 'kill') ? 'kill -x' : $args{command};
my $sudo_su = $args{switch_user} ? "sudo su - $args{switch_user} -c" : '';
my $cmd = join(' ', $sudo_su, '"', 'HDB', $method_cmd, '"');
record_info('HDB stop', "Executing '$cmd' on " . script_output('hostname'));
assert_script_run($cmd, timeout => $stop_timeout);

# Wait Hana processes to stop
sapcontrol_process_check(instance_id => $args{instance_id}, expected_state => 'stopped', wait_for_state => 'yes', timeout => $stop_timeout);
record_info('DB stopped');

=head2 wait_for_failed_resources
Wait until 'crm_mon' starts showing failed resources. This can be used as first indicator of a started failover.

sub wait_for_failed_resources {
my $timeout = 300;
my $start_time = time;
while (check_crm_output(input => script_output($crm_mon_cmd, quiet => 1))) {
sleep 30;
die("Cluster did not register any failed resource within $timeout sec") if (time - $timeout > $start_time);
record_info('CRM info', "Cluster registered failed resources\n" . script_output($crm_mon_cmd, quiet => 1));

=head2 wait_for_takeover
Waits until B<target_node> performs takeover and reaches 'PRIM' state.
=item * B<target_node>: Node hostname which is expected to take over.

sub wait_for_takeover {
my (%args) = @_;
my $timeout = 300;
my $start_time = time;
my $topology;
my $takeover_ok;
until ($takeover_ok) {
die("Node '$args{target_node}' did not take over within $timeout sec") if (time - $timeout > $start_time);
$topology = calculate_hana_topology(input => script_output('SAPHanaSR-showAttr --format=script'));
$takeover_ok = 1 if (get_primary_node(topology_data => $topology) eq $args{target_node});
sleep 30;

=head2 register_replica
register_replica(target_hostname=>'Dumbledore', instance_id=>'00' [, switch_user=>'hdbadm']);
Executes replica node registration after failover using 'hdbnsutil' command. Node must be stopped, otherwise command fails.
=item * B<target_hostname>: Hostname of the node that should be registered as replica
=item * B<instance_id>: Instance ID
=item * B<switch_user>: Execute command as specified user with help of C<sudo su ->. Default: undef

sub register_replica {
my (%args) = @_;
croak('Argument "$replica_hostname" missing') unless $args{target_hostname};
my $topology = calculate_hana_topology(input => script_output('SAPHanaSR-showAttr --format=script'));
my $primary_hostname = get_primary_node(topology_data => $topology);
croak("Primary node '$primary_hostname' not found in 'SAPHanaSR-showAttr' output") unless $primary_hostname;
croak("Replica node '$args{target_hostname}' not found in 'SAPHanaSR-showAttr' output") unless

my $cmd = join(' ',
$cmd = join(' ', 'sudo', 'su', '-', $args{switch_user}, '-c', '"', $cmd, '"') if $args{switch_user};
record_info('HANA REG', "Site '$topology->{$args{target_hostname}}{site}' registered as replica");

=head2 get_node_roles
Returns B<HASHREF> containing current status of Hana cluster node roles by parsing 'SAPHanaSR-showAttr' output.
{primary_node=>'Harry', failover_node='Potter'}

sub get_node_roles {
my $topology = calculate_hana_topology(input => script_output('SAPHanaSR-showAttr --format=script'));
my %result = (
primary_node => get_primary_node(topology_data => $topology),
failover_node => get_failover_node(topology_data => $topology));
return (\%result);

=head2 find_hana_resource_name
Finds SAP Hana primitive resource name by listing primitives with type 'ocf:suse:SAPHana'.

sub find_hana_resource_name {
foreach (split("\n", script_output('crm configure show related:ocf:suse:SAPHana | grep primitive'))) {
# split primitive line "primitive rsc_SAPHana_HDB_HDB00 ocf:suse:SAPHana"
my @aux = split(/\s+/, $_);
if ($aux[2] and $aux[2] eq 'ocf:suse:SAPHana') {
# additional check if returned HANA resource exists
assert_script_run("crm resource status $aux[1]");
return $aux[1];
# Return empty string if no resource found
return '';


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