GChan is an automatic imageboard scraper, it supports multithreading and auto-rechecking of threads with a custom set timer.
GChan is a fork of YChan which aims to improve stability and add extra features which some may find useful.
Requires .NET Framework 4.8 or higher, made with Windows Forms.
- Intuitive thread layout using grid.
- Columns that display thread Subject, Board, ID and File Count.
- Subject renaming, useful for threads with no subject.
- Sorting via clicking column headers, supports ascending and descending.
- Ease of adding new threads/boards.
- Add multiple threads at once seperated by a comma (,).
- Click Add button without pasting it into the text box to add URL from clipboard.
- Drag and drop URL to textbox to automatically add it.
- Right click a thread and copy URL to clipboard.
- Copy all thread URLs to clipboard seperated by a comma (,).
- Display of tracked threads and board count on tabs.
- Set a custom subject for a thread, useful if the thread has no subject or a non-descriptive subject.
- New settings and .
- Option to start GChan with Windows.
- Option to start hidden within system tray.
- Option to automatically add a thread's subject to thread's folder name when a thread is automatically or manually removed.
- Name format choice of 'ID - Subject' or 'Subject - ID'
- Choices for saved files filename format:
- ID Only (e.g. '1570301.jpg')
- Original Filename Only (e.g. 'LittleSaintJames.jpg')
- ID - OriginalFilename (e.g. '1570301 - LittleSaintJames.jpg')
- OriginalFilename - ID (e.g. 'LittleSaintJames - 1570301.jpg')
- Option to start GChan with Windows.