saf 1.4.20
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @mitre/saf@1.4.20
Install via package.json:
"@mitre/saf": "1.4.20"
About this version
The MITRE Security Automation Framework (SAF) Command Line Interface (CLI) brings together applications, techniques, libraries, and tools developed by MITRE and the security community to streamline security automation for systems and DevOps pipelines
The SAF CLI is the successor to Heimdall Tools and InSpec Tools.
- "Heimdall" - Our visualizer for all security result data
- "Heimdall Data Format (HDF)" - Our common data format to preserve and transform security data
For detail information about development, testing , and contributing to the SAF project refer to MITRE SAF Develpment
Convert To HDF
- Anchore Grype to HDF
- AWS Config to HDF
- Burp Suite to HDF
- CKL to POA&M
- CycloneDX SBOM to HDF
- DBProtect to HDF
- Dependency-Track to HDF
- Fortify to HDF
- gosec to HDF
- Ion Channel 2 HDF
- JFrog Xray to HDF
- Tenable Nessus to HDF
- Microsoft Secure Score to HDF
- Netsparker to HDF
- NeuVector to HDF
- Nikto to HDF
- Prisma to HDF
- Prowler to HDF
- Sarif to HDF
- Scoutsuite to HDF
- Snyk to HDF
- SonarQube to HDF
- Splunk to HDF
- Trivy to HDF
- Trufflehog to HDF
- Twistlock to HDF
- Veracode to HDF
- XCCDF Results to HDF
The SAF CLI can be installed and kept up to date using npm
, which is included with most versions of NodeJS.
npm install -g @mitre/saf
To update the SAF CLI with npm
npm update -g @mitre/saf
The SAF CLI can be installed and kept up to date using brew
brew install mitre/saf/saf-cli
To update the SAF CLI with brew
brew upgrade mitre/saf/saf-cli
On Linux and Mac:
The docker command below can be used to run the SAF CLI one time, where arguments
contains the command and flags you want to run. For ex: --version
or view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf <arguments>
To run the SAF CLI with a persistent shell for one or more commands, use the following, then run each full command. For ex: saf --version
or saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. You can change the entrypoint you wish to use. For example, run with --entrypoint sh
to open in a shell terminal. If the specified entrypoint is not found, try using the path such as --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash -v$(pwd):/share mitre/saf
On Windows:
The docker command below can be used to run the SAF CLI one time, where arguments
contains the command and flags you want to run. For ex: --version
or view summary -i hdf-results.json
docker run -it -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf <arguments>
To run the SAF CLI with a persistent shell for one or more commands, use the following, then run each full command. For ex: saf --version
or saf view summary -i hdf-results.json
. You can change the entrypoint you wish to use. For example, run with --entrypoint sh
to open in a shell terminal. If the specified entrypoint is not found, try using the path such as --entrypoint /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh -v%cd%:/share mitre/saf
Remember to use Docker CLI flags as necessary to run the various subcommands.
For example, to run the emasser configure
subcommand, you need to pass in a volume that contains your certificates and where you can store the resultant .env. Furthermore, you need to pass in flags for enabling the pseudo-TTY and interactivity.
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf emasser configure
Other commands might not require the -i
or -t
flags and instead only need a bind-mounted volume, such as a file based convert
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/share mitre/saf convert -i test/sample_data/trivy/sample_input_report/trivy-image_golang-1.12-alpine_sample.json -o test.json
Other flags exist to open up network ports or pass through environment variables so make sure to use whichever ones are required to successfully run a command.
To update the SAF CLI with docker
docker pull mitre/saf:latest
To install the latest release of the SAF CLI on Windows, download and run the most recent installer for your system architecture from the Releases π¬οΈ page.
To update the SAF CLI on Windows, uninstall any existing version from your system and then download and run the most recent installer for your system architecture from the Releases π¬οΈ page.
Attest to 'Not Reviewed' controls: sometimes requirements canβt be tested automatically by security tools and hence require manual review, whereby someone interviews people and/or examines a system to confirm (i.e., attest as to) whether the control requirements have been satisfied.
attest create Create attestation files for use with `saf attest apply`
$ saf attest create -o <attestation-file> [-i <hdf-json> -t <json | xlsx | yml | yaml>]
-i, --input=<value> (optional) An input HDF file to search for controls
-o, --output=<value> (required) The output filename
-t, --format=<option> [default: json] (optional) The output file type
<options: json|xlsx|yml|yaml>
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest create -o attestation.json -i hdf.json
$ saf attest create -o attestation.xlsx -t xlsx
attest apply Apply one or more attestation files to one or more HDF results sets
$ saf attest apply -i <input-hdf-json>... <attestation>... -o <output-hdf-path>
-i, --input=<value>... (required) Your input HDF and Attestation file(s)
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output file or folder (for multiple executions)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf attest apply -i hdf.json attestation.json -o new-hdf.json
$ saf attest apply -i hdf1.json hdf2.json attestation.xlsx -o outputDir
Translating your data to and from Heimdall Data Format (HDF) is done using the saf convert
Want to Recommend or Help Develop a Converter? See the wiki π° on how to get started.
convert anchoregrype2hdf Translate a Anchore Grype output file into an HDF results set
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i <anchoregrype-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<anchoregrype-json> (required) Input Anchore Grype file
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw data from the input Anchore Grype file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert anchoregrype2hdf -i anchoregrype.json -o output-hdf-name.json
Note: Uploading findings into AWS Security hub requires configuration of the AWS CLI, see π the AWS documentation or configuration of environment variables via Docker.
convert hdf2asff Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into
AWS Security Findings Format JSON file(s) and/or
upload to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -a <account-id> -r <region> -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -t <target> [-h] [-R] (-u [-I -C <certificate>] | [-o <asff-output-folder>])
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure.
-R, --specifyRegionAttribute Manually specify the top-level `Region` attribute - SecurityHub
populates this attribute automatically and prohibits one from
updating it using `BatchImportFindings` or `BatchUpdateFindings`
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF JSON File
-o, --output=<asff-output-folder> Output ASFF JSON Folder
-r, --region=<region> (required) SecurityHub Region
-t, --target=<target> (required) Unique name for target to track findings across time
-u, --upload Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rhel7-scan_02032022A.json -a 123456789 -r us-east-1 -t rhel7_example_host -o rhel7.asff
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i rds_mysql_i123456789scan_03042022A.json -a 987654321 -r us-west-1 -t Instance_i123456789 -u
Upload findings to AWS Security Hub and Send output to local file system
$ saf convert hdf2asff -i snyk_acme_project5_hdf_04052022A.json -a 2143658798 -r us-east-1 -t acme_project5 -o snyk_acme_project5 -u
Notice: HDF to Splunk requires configuration on the Splunk server. See π Splunk Configuration.
convert hdf2splunk Translate and upload a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a Splunk server
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -H <host> -I <index> [-h] [-P <port>] [-s http|https] [-u <username> | -t <token>] [-p <password>] [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-H, --host=<host> (required) Splunk Hostname or IP
-I, --index=<index> (required) Splunk index to import HDF data into
-P, --port=<port> [default: 8089] Splunk management port (also known as the Universal Forwarder port)
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-p, --password=<password> Your Splunk password
-s, --scheme=<option> [default: https] HTTP Scheme used for communication with splunk
<options: http|https>
-t, --token=<token> Your Splunk API Token
-u, --username=<username> Your Splunk username
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
User name/password Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -u admin -p Valid_password! -I hdf
Token Authentication
$ saf convert hdf2splunk -i rhel7-results.json -H -t your.splunk.token -I hdf
For HDF Splunk Schema documentation visit π Heimdall converter schemas
Previewing HDF Data Within Splunk:
An example of a full raw search query:
index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=control | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) list(meta.profile_sha256) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) first(meta.status) list(meta.status) list(meta.is_baseline) values(title) last(code) list(code) values(desc) values(descriptions.*) values(id) values(impact) list(refs{}.*) list(results{}.*) list(source_location{}.*) values(tags.*) by meta.guid id
| join meta.guid
[search index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=header | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) list(statistics.duration) list(platform.*) list(version) by meta.guid]
| join meta.guid
[search index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=profile | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) list(meta.profile_sha256) list(meta.is_baseline) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}.*) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}.*) list(controls{}.*) list(attributes{}.*) list(status) by meta.guid]
An example of a formatted table search query:
index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=control | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) list(meta.profile_sha256) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) first(meta.status) list(meta.status) list(meta.is_baseline) values(title) last(code) list(code) values(desc) values(descriptions.*) values(id) values(impact) list(refs{}.*) list(results{}.*) list(source_location{}.*) values(tags.*) by meta.guid id
| join meta.guid
[search index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=header | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) list(statistics.duration) list(platform.*) list(version) by meta.guid]
| join meta.guid
[search index="<<YOUR INDEX>>" meta.subtype=profile | stats values(meta.filename) values(meta.filetype) values(meta.hdf_splunk_schema) list(meta.profile_sha256) list(meta.is_baseline) last(summary) list(summary) list(sha256) list(supports{}.*) last(name) list(name) list(copyright) list(maintainer) list(copyright_email) last(version) list(version) list(license) list(title) list(parent_profile) list(depends{}.*) list(controls{}.*) list(attributes{}.*) list(status) by meta.guid]
| rename values(meta.filename) AS "Results Set", values(meta.filetype) AS "Scan Type", list(statistics.duration) AS "Scan Duration", first(meta.status) AS "Control Status", list(results{}.status) AS "Test(s) Status", id AS "ID", values(title) AS "Title", values(desc) AS "Description", values(impact) AS "Impact", last(code) AS Code, values(descriptions.check) AS "Check", values(descriptions.fix) AS "Fix", values(tags.cci{}) AS "CCI IDs", list(results{}.code_desc) AS "Results Description", list(results{}.skip_message) AS "Results Skip Message (if applicable)", values(tags.nist{}) AS "NIST SP 800-53 Controls", last(name) AS "Scan (Profile) Name", last(summary) AS "Scan (Profile) Summary", last(version) AS "Scan (Profile) Version"
| table meta.guid "Results Set" "Scan Type" "Scan (Profile) Name" ID "NIST SP 800-53 Controls" Title "Control Status" "Test(s) Status" "Results Description" "Results Skip Message (if applicable)" Description Impact Severity Check Fix "CCI IDs" Code "Scan Duration" "Scan (Profile) Summary" "Scan (Profile) Version"
convert hdf2xccdf Translate an HDF file into an XCCDF XML
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-xccdf-xml> [-h]
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-xccdf-xml> (required) Output XCCDF XML File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2xccdf -i hdf_input.json -o xccdf-results.xml
convert hdf2ckl Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-ckl> [-h] [-m <metadata>] [--profilename <value>] [--profiletitle <value>] [--version <value>] [--releasenumber <value>] [--releasedate <value>] [--marking <value>] [-H <value>] [-I <value>] [-M <value>] [-F <value>] [--targetcomment <value>] [--role Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation] [--assettype Computing|Non-Computing] [--techarea |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS] [--stigguid <value>] [--targetkey <value>] [--webdbsite <value> --webordatabase] [--webdbinstance <value> ] [--vulidmapping gid|id]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output CKL file
-F, --fqdn=<value> Fully Qualified Domain Name
-H, --hostname=<value> The name assigned to the asset within the network
-I, --ip=<value> IP address
-M, --mac=<value> MAC address
-m, --metadata=<value> Metadata JSON file, generate one with "saf generate ckl_metadata"
--assettype=<option> The category or classification of the asset
<options: Computing|Non-Computing>
--marking=<value> A security classification or designation of the asset, indicating its sensitivity level
--profilename=<value> Profile name
--profiletitle=<value> Profile title
--releasedate=<value> Profile release date
--releasenumber=<value> Profile release number
--role=<option> The primary function or role of the asset within the network or organization
<options: Domain Controller|Member Server|None|Workstation>
--stigguid=<value> A unique identifier associated with the STIG for the asset
--targetcomment=<value> Additional comments or notes about the asset
--targetkey=<value> A unique key or identifier for the asset within the checklist or inventory system
--techarea=<option> The technical area or domain to which the asset belongs
<options: |Application Review|Boundary Security|CDS Admin Review|CDS Technical Review|Database Review|Domain Name System (DNS)|Exchange Server|Host Based System Security (HBSS)|Internal Network|Mobility|Other Review|Releasable Networks (REL)|Releaseable Networks (REL)|Traditional Security|UNIX OS|VVOIP Review|Web Review|Windows OS>
--version=<value> Profile version number
--vulidmapping=<option> Which type of control identifier to map to the checklist ID
<options: gid|id>
--webdbinstance=<value> The specific instance of the web application or database running on the server
--webdbsite=<value> The specific site or application hosted on the web or database server
--webordatabase Indicates whether the STIG is primarily for either a web or database server
Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a DISA checklist file
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.ckl --fqdn --hostname reverseproxy --ip --mac 12:34:56:78:90:AB
$ saf convert hdf2ckl -i rhel8-results.json -o rhel8.ckl -m rhel8-metadata.json
convert hdf2csv Translate a Heimdall Data Format JSON file into a
Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <output-csv> [-h] [-f <csv-fields>] [-t]
-f, --fields=<csv-fields> [default: All Fields] Fields to include in output CSV, separated by commas
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<output-csv> (required) Output CSV file
-t, --noTruncate Don't truncate fields longer than 32,767 characters (the cell limit in Excel)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Running the CLI interactively
$ saf convert hdf2csv --interactive
Providing flags at the command line
$ saf convert hdf2csv -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7.csv --fields "Results Set,Status,ID,Title,Severity"
convert hdf2condensed Condensed format used by some community members
to pre-process data for elasticsearch and custom dashboards
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i <hdf-scan-results-json> -o <condensed-json> [-h]
-i, --input=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Input HDF file
-o, --output=<condensed-json> (required) Output condensed JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert hdf2condensed -i rhel7-results.json -o rhel7-condensed.json
Output | Use | Command |
ASFF json | All the findings that will be fed into the mapper | aws securityhub get-findings > asff.json |
AWS SecurityHub enabled standards json | Get all the enabled standards so you can get their identifiers | aws securityhub get-enabled-standards > asff_standards.json |
AWS SecurityHub standard controls json | Get all the controls for a standard that will be fed into the mapper | aws securityhub describe-standards-controls --standards-subscription-arn "arn:aws:securityhub:us-east-1:123456789123:subscription/cis-aws-foundations-benchmark/v/1.2.0" > asff_cis_standard.json |
convert asff2hdf Translate a AWS Security Finding Format JSON into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file(s)
$ saf convert asff2hdf -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h] (-i <asff-json> [--securityhub <standard-json>]... | -a -r <region> [-I | -C <certificate>] [-t <target>]) [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-C, --certificate=<certificate> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure
-H, --securityHub=<standard-json> Additional input files to provide context that an ASFF file needs
such as the CIS AWS Foundations or AWS Foundational Security Best
Practices documents (in ASFF compliant JSON form)
-a, --aws Pull findings from AWS Security Hub
-i, --input=<asff-json> (required if not using AWS) Input ASFF JSON file
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON folder
-r, --region=<region> Security Hub region to pull findings from
-t, --target=<target>... Target ID(s) to pull from Security Hub (maximum 10), leave blank for non-HDF findings
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Using ASFF JSON file
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json -o output-folder-name
Using ASFF JSON file with additional input files
$ saf convert asff2hdf -i asff-findings.json --securityhub <standard-1-json> ... --securityhub <standard-n-json> -o output-folder-name
Using AWS to pull ASFF JSON findings
$ saf convert asff2hdf --aws -o out -r us-west-2 --target rhel7
Note: Pulling AWS Config results data requires configuration of the AWS CLI, see π the AWS documentation or configuration of environment variables via Docker.
convert aws_config2hdf Pull Configuration findings from AWS Config and convert
into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert aws_config2hdf -r <region> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-a <access-key-id>] [-s <secret-access-key>] [-t <session-token>] [-i]
-a, --accessKeyId=<access-key-id> Access key ID
-i, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure.
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-r, --region=<region> (required) Region to pull findings from
-s, --secretAccessKey=<secret-access-key> Secret access key
-t, --sessionToken=<session-token> Session token
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert aws_config2hdf -a ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV -s +4NOT39A48REAL93SECRET934 -r us-east-1 -o output-hdf-name.json
convert burpsuite2hdf Translate a BurpSuite Pro XML file into a Heimdall
Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert burpsuite2hdf -i <burpsuite-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<burpsuite-xml> (required) Input Burpsuite Pro XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert burpsuite2hdf -i burpsuite_results.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
Note: The included CCI to NIST Mappings are the extracted from, for mappings specific to eMASS use this file instead).
convert ckl2POAM Translate DISA Checklist CKL file(s) to POA&M files
$ saf convert ckl2POAM -i <disa-checklist> -o <poam-output-folder> [-h] [-O <office/org>] [-d <device-name>] [-s <num-rows>]
-O, --officeOrg=<office/org> Default value for Office/org (prompts for each file if not set)
-d, --deviceName=<device-name> Name of target device (prompts for each file if not set)
-i, --input=<disa-checklist>... (required) Path to the DISA Checklist File(s)
-o, --output=<poam-output-folder> (required) Path to output PO&M File(s)
-s, --rowsToSkip=<num-rows> [default: 4] Rows to leave between POA&M Items for milestones
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert ckl2poam
$ saf convert ckl2POAM -i checklist_file.ckl -o output-folder -d abcdefg -s 2
Note: Currently, only the CycloneDX SBOM, VEX, and HBOM formats are officially supported in the CycloneDX SBOM convert command (formats like SaaSBOM are NOT supported and will result in errors). To convert other non-CycloneDX SBOM formats, first convert your current SBOM data file into the CycloneDX SBOM data format with their provided utility and then convert the CycloneDX SBOM file to OHDF with the saf convert cyclonedx_sbom2hdf
EX) To convert SPDX SBOM format to CycloneDX SBOM format using the CycloneDX CLI, you can perform the following:
cyclonedx-cli convert --input-file spdx-sbom.json --output-file cyclonedx-sbom.json --input-format spdxjson --output-format json
And then use that resulting CycloneDX SBOM file to convert to OHDF.
convert cyclonedx_sbom2hdf Translate a CycloneDX SBOM report into an HDF results set
$ saf convert cyclonedx_sbom2hdf -i <cyclonedx_sbom-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<cyclonedx_sbom-json> (required) Input CycloneDX SBOM File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert cyclonedx_sbom2hdf -i cyclonedx_sbom.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert dbprotect2hdf Translate a DBProtect report in "Check Results
Details" XML format into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert dbprotect2hdf -i <dbprotect-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<dbprotect-xml> (required) 'Check Results Details' XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert dbprotect2hdf -i check_results_details_report.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
convert dependency_track2hdf Translate a Dependency-Track results JSON
file into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert dependency_track2hdf -i <dt-fpf-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input Dependency-Track FPF file
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output HDF file
-w, --with-raw
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
saf convert dependency_track2hdf -i dt-fpf.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert fortify2hdf Translate a Fortify results FVDL file into a Heimdall
Data Format JSON file; the FVDL file is an XML that can be
extracted from the Fortify FPR project file using standard
file compression tools
$ saf convert fortify2hdf -i <fortify-fvdl> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<fortify-fvdl> (required) Input FVDL File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert fortify2hdf -i audit.fvdl -o output-hdf-name.json
convert gosec2hdf Translate a gosec (Golang Security Checker) results file
into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert gosec2hdf -i <gosec-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input gosec Results JSON File
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert gosec2hdf -i gosec_results.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert ionchannel2hdf Pull and translate SBOM data from Ion Channel
into Heimdall Data Format
$ saf convert ionchannel2hdf -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h] (-i <ionchannel-json> | -a <api-key> -t <team-name> [--raw ] [-p <project>] [-A ]) [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-A, --allProjects Pull all projects available within your team
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info]
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
-a, --apiKey=<api-key> API Key from Ion Channel user settings
-i, --input=<ionchannel-json>... Input IonChannel JSON file
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output JSON folder
-p, --project=<project>... The name of the project(s) you would like to pull
-t, --teamName=<team-name> Your team name that contains the project(s) you would like to pull data from
--raw Output Ion Channel raw data
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Using Input IonChannel JSON file
$ saf convert ionchannel2hdf -o output-folder-name -i ion-channel-file.json
Using IonChannel API Key (pull one project)
$ saf convert ionchannel2hdf -o output-folder-name -a ion-channel-apikey -t team-name -p project-name-to-pull --raw
Using IonChannel API Key (pull all project)
$ saf convert ionchannel2hdf -o output-folder-name -a ion-channel-apikey -t team-name -A --raw
convert jfrog_xray2hdf Translate a JFrog Xray results JSON file into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert jfrog_xray2hdf -i <jfrog-xray-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<jfrog-xray-json> (required) Input JFrog JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert jfrog_xray2hdf -i xray_results.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert nessus2hdf Translate a Nessus XML results file into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file.
The current iteration maps all plugin families except for 'Policy Compliance'
A separate HDF JSON is generated for each host reported in the Nessus Report.
$ saf convert nessus2hdf -i <nessus-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<nessus-xml> (required) Input Nessus XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert nessus2hdf -i nessus_results.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
Output | Use | Command |
Microsoft Secure Score JSON | This file contains the Graph API response for the security/secureScore endpoint |
PowerShell$ Get-MgSecuritySecureScore -Top 500
Microsoft Secure Score Control Profiles JSON | This file contains the Graph API response for the security/secureScoreControlProfiles endpoint |
PowerShell$ Get-MgSecuritySecureScoreControlProfile -Top 500
Combined JSON | Combine the outputs from security/secureScore and security/secureScoreControlProfiles endpoints |
jq -s \'{"secureScore": .[0], "profiles": .[1]}\' secureScore.json secureScoreControlProfiles.json |
convert msft_secure2hdf Translate a Microsoft Secure Score report and Secure Score Control to a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -p <secure-score-control-profiles> -r <secureScore-json>-o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h]
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -t <azure-tenant-id> -a <azure-app-id> -s <azure-app-secret> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h]
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -i <combined-inputs> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h]
-C, --certificate=<value> Trusted signing certificate file
-I, --insecure Disable SSL verification, this is insecure.
-a, --appId=<value> Azure application ID
-i, --combinedInputs=<value> JSON File combining the outputs from the Microsoft Graph API endpoints
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output HDF JSON file
-p, --inputProfiles=<value> Input Microsoft Graph API "GET /security/secureScoreControlProfiles" output JSON File
-r, --inputScoreDoc=<value> Input Microsoft Graph API "GET /security/secureScores" output JSON File
-s, --appSecret=<value> Azure application secret
-t, --tenantId=<value> Azure tenant ID
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Using input files
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -p secureScore.json -r secureScoreControlProfiles -o output-hdf-name.json [-w]
Using Azure tenant ID
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -t "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890abcd" \
-a "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890abcd" \
-s "aaaaa~bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-cccccccc" \
-o output-hdf-name.json [-I | -C <certificate>]
Using combined inputs
$ saf convert msft_secure2hdf -i <(jq '{"secureScore": .[0], "profiles": .[1]}' secureScore.json secureScoreControlProfiles.json)> \
-o output-hdf-name.json [-w]
convert netsparker2hdf Translate a Netsparker XML results file into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file. The current
iteration only works with Netsparker Enterprise
Vulnerabilities Scan.
$ saf convert netsparker2hdf -i <netsparker-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<netsparker-xml> (required) Input Netsparker XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert netsparker2hdf -i netsparker_results.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
convert neuvector2hdf Translate a NeuVector results JSON to a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert neuvector2hdf -i <neuvector-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json>
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input NeuVector Results JSON File
-o, --output=<value> (required) Output HDF JSON file
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert neuvector2hdf -i neuvector.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert nikto2hdf Translate a Nikto results JSON file into a Heimdall
Data Format JSON file.
Note: Currently this mapper only supports single
target Nikto Scans
$ saf convert nikto2hdf -i <nikto-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<nikto-json> (required) Input Niktop Results JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert nikto2hdf -i nikto-results.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert prisma2hdf Translate a Prisma Cloud Scan Report CSV file into
Heimdall Data Format JSON files
$ saf convert prisma2hdf -i <prisma-cloud-csv> -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h]
-i, --input=<prisma-cloud-csv> (required) Prisma Cloud Scan Report CSV
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON file
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert prisma2hdf -i prismacloud-report.csv -o output-hdf-name.json
convert prowler2hdf Translate a Prowler-derived AWS Security Finding
Format results from JSONL
into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert prowler2hdf -i <prowler-finding-json> -o <hdf-output-folder> [-h]
-i, --input=<prowler-finding-json> (required) Input Prowler ASFF JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON Folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert prowler2hdf -i prowler-asff.json -o output-folder
convert sarif2hdf Translate a SARIF JSON file into a Heimdall Data
Format JSON file
$ saf convert sarif2hdf -i <sarif-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<sarif-json> (required) Input SARIF JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
SARIF level to HDF impact mapping are:
SARIF level error -> HDF impact 0.7
SARIF level warning -> HDF impact 0.5
SARIF level note -> HDF impact 0.3
SARIF level none -> HDF impact 0.1
SARIF level not provided -> HDF impact 0.1 as default
$ saf convert sarif2hdf -i sarif-results.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert scoutsuite2hdf Translate a ScoutSuite results from a Javascript
object into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
Note: Currently this mapper only supports AWS
$ saf convert scoutsuite2hdf -i <scoutsuite-results-js> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<scoutsuite-results-js> (required) Input ScoutSuite Results JS File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert scoutsuite2hdf -i scoutsuite-results.js -o output-hdf-name.json
convert snyk2hdf Translate a Snyk results JSON file into a Heimdall
Data Format JSON file
A separate HDF JSON is generated for each project
reported in the Snyk Report
$ saf convert snyk2hdf -i <snyk-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h]
-i, --input=<snyk-json> (required) Input Snyk Results JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert snyk2hdf -i snyk_results.json -o output-file-prefix
convert sonarqube2hdf Pull SonarQube vulnerabilities for the specified
project name and optional branch or pull/merge
request ID name from an API and convert into a
Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert sonarqube2hdf -n <sonar-project-key> -u <http://your.sonar.instance:9000> -a <your-sonar-api-key> [ -b <target-branch> | -p <pull-request-id> ] -o <hdf-scan-results-json>
-a, --auth=<your-sonar-api-key> (required) SonarQube API Key
-n, --projectKey=<sonar-project-key> (required) SonarQube Project Key
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-u, --url=<http://your.sonar.instance:9000> (required) SonarQube Base URL (excluding '/api')
-b, --branch=<target-branch> Requires Sonarqube Developer Edition or above
-p, --pullRequestID=<pull-request-id> Requires Sonarqube Developer Edition or above
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert sonarqube2hdf -n sonar_project_key -u http://sonar:9000 --auth abcdefg -p 123 -o scan_results.json
convert splunk2hdf Pull HDF data from your Splunk instance back into an HDF file
$ saf splunk2hdf -H <host> -I <index> [-h] [-P <port>] [-s http|https] (-u <username> -p <password> | -t <token>) [-L info|warn|debug|verbose] [-i <filename/GUID> -o <hdf-output-folder>]
-H, --host=<value> (required) Splunk Hostname or IP
-I, --index=<value> (required) Splunk index to query HDF data from
-P, --port=<value> [default: 8089] Splunk management port (also known as the Universal Forwarder port)
-i, --input=<value>... GUID(s) or Filename(s) of files from Splunk to convert
-o, --output=<value> Output HDF JSON Folder
-p, --password=<value> Your Splunk password
-s, --scheme=<option> [default: https] HTTP Scheme used for communication with splunk
<options: http|https>
-t, --token=<value> Your Splunk API Token
-u, --username=<value> Your Splunk username
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert splunk2hdf -H -u admin -p Valid_password! -I hdf -i some-file-in-your-splunk-instance.json -i yBNxQsE1mi4f3mkjtpap5YxNTttpeG -o output-folder
convert trivy2hdf Translate a Trivy-derived AWS Security Finding
Format results from JSONL
into a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert trivy2hdf -i <trivy-finding-json> -o <hdf-output-folder>
-i, --input=<trivy-finding-json> (required) Input Trivy ASFF JSON File
-o, --output=<hdf-output-folder> (required) Output HDF JSON Folder
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Note: Currently this mapper only supports the results of Trivy's `image`
subcommand (featuring the CVE findings) while using the ASFF template format
(which comes bundled with the repo). An example call to Trivy to get this
type of file looks as follows:
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=123456789012 trivy image --no-progress --format template --template "@/absolute_path_to/git_clone_of/trivy/contrib/asff.tpl" -o trivy_asff.json golang:1.12-alpine
$ saf convert trivy2hdf -i trivy-asff.json -o output-folder
convert trufflehog2hdf Translate a Trufflehog output file into an HDF results set
$ saf convert trufflehog2hdf -i <trufflehog-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<trufflehog-json> (required) Input Trufflehog file
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert trufflehog2hdf -i trufflehog.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert twistlock2hdf Translate a Twistlock CLI output file into an HDF results set
$ saf convert twistlock2hdf -i <twistlock-json> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<twistlock-json> (required) Input Twistlock file
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert twistlock2hdf -i twistlock.json -o output-hdf-name.json
convert veracode2hdf Translate a Veracode XML file into a Heimdall Data
Format JSON file
$ saf convert veracode2hdf -i <veracode-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h]
-i, --input=<veracode-xml> (required) Input Veracode XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert veracode2hdf -i veracode_results.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
Note: xccdf_results2hdf
only supports native OpenSCAP and SCC output.
convert xccdf_results2hdf Translate a SCAP client XCCDF-Results XML report
to a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert xccdf_results2hdf -i <xccdf-results-xml> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<xccdf-results-xml> (required) Input XCCDF Results XML File
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert xccdf_results2hdf -i results-xccdf.xml -o output-hdf-name.json
convert zap2hdf Translate a OWASP ZAP results JSON to a Heimdall Data Format JSON file
$ saf convert zap2hdf -i <zap-json> -n <target-site-name> -o <hdf-scan-results-json> [-h] [-w]
-i, --input=<zap-json> (required) Input OWASP Zap Results JSON File
-n, --name=<target-site-name> (required) Target Site Name
-o, --output=<hdf-scan-results-json> (required) Output HDF JSON File
-w, --includeRaw Include raw input file in HDF JSON file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf convert zap2hdf -i zap_results.json -n -o scan_results.json
The SAF CLI implements the eMASS REST API capabilities by incorporating the eMASSer CLI into the SAF CLI. Please references the eMASSer Features π for additional information
To get top level help execute the following commad:
$ saf emasser [-h or -help]
[eMASS] The eMASS REST API implementation
$ saf emasser COMMAND
emasser delete eMass REST API DELETE endpoint commands
emasser get eMass REST API GET endpoint commands
emasser post eMass REST API POST endpoint commands
emasser put eMass REST API PUT endpoint commands
emasser configure Generate a configuration file (.env) for accessing an eMASS instances.
emasser version Display the eMASS API specification version the CLI implements.
You can start a local Heimdall Lite instance to visualize your findings with the SAF CLI. To start an instance use the saf view heimdall
view heimdall Run an instance of Heimdall Lite to
visualize your data
$ saf view heimdall [-h] [-p <port>] [-f <file>] [-n]
-h, --help Show CLI help
-f, --files=<file>... File(s) to display in Heimdall
-n, --noOpenBrowser Don't open the default browser automatically
-p, --port=<port> [default: 3000] Port To Expose Heimdall On (Default 3000)
$ saf heimdall
$ saf view heimdall -p 8080
To get a quick compliance summary from an HDF file (grouped by profile name) use the saf view summary
view summary Get a quick compliance overview of an HDF file
$ saf view summary -i <<hdf-file>... [-o <output>] [-f json|yaml|markdown] [-s] [-r] [-t] [-l <value>] [-h]
-f, --format=<option> [default: yaml] Specify output format
<options: json|yaml|markdown>
-r, --[no-]print-pretty Enable human-readable data output
-t, --[no-]title-table Add titles to the markdown table(s)
-h, --help Show help information
-i, --input=<value>... (required) Specify input HDF file(s)
-o, --output=<value> Specify output file(s)
-s, --[no-]stdout Enable printing to console
-l, --logLevel=<value> [default: info] Set log level
$ saf summary
Summarize 'input.hdf' single HDF file
$ saf summary -i input.hdf
Specify Formats
$ saf summary -i input.hdf input.json --format=json
Output GitHub Flavored Markdown Table, skip the console, and save to '
$ saf summary -i input.hdf input.json --format=markdown --no-stdout -o
Summarize multiple HDF files
$ saf summary --input input1.hdf --input input2.hdf
$ saf summary --input input1.hdf input2.hdf
Save summary to 'output.json' and print to the console
$ saf summary -i input.hdf --output output.json
Enable human-readable output
$ saf summary --input input.hdf --pretty-print
Useful for scripts or data-processing (RAW yaml/json/etc.)
$ saf summary -i input.hdf --no-pretty-print
See the wiki for more information on π template files.
validate threshold Validate the compliance and status counts of an HDF file
$ saf validate threshold -i <hdf-json> [-I <flattened-threshold-json> | -T <template-file>] [-h] [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-i, --input=<value> (required) The HDF JSON File to be validated by the threshold values
-T, --templateFile=<value> A threshold YAML file containing expected threshold values.
Generate it using the "saf generate threshold" command
-I, --templateInline=<value> An inline (on the command line) flattened JSON containing the validation
thresholds (Intended for backwards compatibility with InSpec Tools)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Providing a threshold template file
$ saf validate threshold -i rhel7-results.json -T threshold.yaml
Specifying the threshold inline
$ saf validate threshold -i rhel7-results.json -I "{compliance.min: 80}, { 18}, { 2}"
See the wiki for more information on π Delta.
Update an existing InSpec profile with updated XCCDF guidance
$ saf generate delta [-L info|warn|debug|verbose] [-J <value> | --interactive] [-X <value> | ] [-o <value> | ]
[-O <value> | ] [-r <value> | ] [-T rule|group|cis|version | ] [-M -c <value>]
-J, --inspecJsonFile=<value> (required if not --interactive) Input execution/profile JSON file - can be generated using the "inspec json <profile path> | jq . > profile.json" command
-X, --xccdfXmlFile=<value> (required if not --interactive) The XCCDF XML file containing the new guidance - in the form of .xml file
-o, --deltaOutputDir=<value> (required if not --interactive) The output folder for the updated profile - if not empty it will be overwritten
-O, --ovalXmlFile=<value> The OVAL XML file containing definitions used in the new guidance - in the form of .xml file
-T, --idType=<option> [default: rule] Control ID Types:
'rule' - Vulnerability IDs (ex. 'SV-XXXXX'),
'group' - Group IDs (ex. 'V-XXXXX'),
'cis' - CIS Rule IDs (ex. C-,
'version' - Version IDs (ex. RHEL-07-010020 - also known as STIG IDs)
<options: rule|group|cis|version>
-M, --runMapControls Run the approximate string matching process
-c, --controlsDir=<value> The InSpec profile directory containing the controls being updated (controls Delta is processing)
-r, --report=<value> Output markdown report file - must have an extension of .md
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate delta -J <profile_json_file.json> -X <xccdf_guidance_file.xml, -o <updated_controls_directory>
$ saf generate delta -J <profile_json_file.json> -X <xccdf_guidance_file.xml, -o <updated_controls_directory> -M
-c <controls_directory_being_processed_by_delta>
Use this process prior of running generate delta
. The process updates the controls with metadata provided by the XCCDF guidance to include the controls name and number. Additionally it formates the control the same way the generate delta
will. Running this process minimizes the delta output content and makes for better and easier visualization of the modification provided by the Delta process.
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X <value> -J <value> -c <value> [-P V|VS] [--[no-]useXccdfGroupId] [--[no-]backupControls] [--[no-]formatControls] [-L info|warn|debug|verbose]
-X, --xccdfXmlFile=<value> (required) The XCCDF XML file containing the new guidance - in the form of an .xml file
-c, --controlsDir=<value> (required) The InSpec profile controls directory containing the profiles to be updated
-J, --inspecJsonFile=<value> Input execution/profile JSON file - can be generated using the "inspec json <profile path> > profile.json"
command. If not provided the `inspec` CLI must be installed
-P, --controlPrefix=<option> [default: V] Old control number prefix V or SV, default V <options: V|SV>
-g, --[no-]useXccdfGroupId Use the XCCDF `Group Id` to rename the controls. Uses prefix V or SV based on controlPrefix option
[default: false]
-b, --[no-]backupControls Preserve modified controls in a backup directory (oldControls) inside the controls directory
[default: true]
-f, --[no-]formatControls Format control contents in the same way `generate delta` will write controls
[default: true]
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X ./the_xccdf_guidance_file.xml -c the_controls_directory -L debug
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X ./the_xccdf_guidance_file.xml -c the_controls_directory -g -L debug
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X ./the_xccdf_guidance_file.xml -J ./the_profile_json -c the_controls_directory -L debug
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X ./the_xccdf_guidance_file.xml -c the_controls_directory --no-formatControls -P SV -L debug
$ saf generate update_controls4delta -X ./the_xccdf_guidance_file.xml -c the_controls_directory --no-backupControls --no-formatControls -P SV -L debug
Checklist template files are used to give extra information to saf convert hdf2ckl
generate ckl_metadata Generate a checklist metadata template for "saf convert hdf2ckl"
$ saf generate ckl_metadata -o <json-file> [-h]
-o, --output=<json-file> (required) Output JSON File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate ckl_metadata -o rhel_metadata.json
InSpec metadata files are used to give extra information to saf convert *2inspec_stub
generate inspec_metadata Generate an InSpec metadata template for "saf convert *2inspec_stub"
$ saf generate inspec_metadata -o <json-file>
-o, --output=<json-file> (required) Output JSON File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate inspec_metadata -o ms_sql_baseline_metadata.json
generate inspec_profile Generate a new skeleton profile based on a (STIG or CIS) XCCDF benchmark file
$ saf generate inspec_profile -X <stig-xccdf-xml> [-O <oval-xccdf-xml] [-o <output-folder>] [-m <metadata-json>] [-T (rule|group|cis|version)] [-s] [-L (info|warn|debug|verbose)] [-h] [--interactive]
-X, --xccdfXmlFile=<value> (required) Path to the XCCDF benchmark file
-O, --ovalDefinitions=<value> Path to an OVAL definitions file to populate profile elements that reference OVAL definitions
-T, --idType=<option> [default: rule] Control ID Types: 'rule' - Vulnerability IDs (ex. 'SV-XXXXX'), 'group' -
Group IDs (ex. 'V-XXXXX'), 'cis' - CIS Rule IDs (ex.
C-, 'version' - Version IDs (ex. RHEL-07-010020 - also known as STIG IDs)
<options: rule|group|cis|version>
-m, --metadata=<value> Path to a JSON file with additional metadata for the inspec.yml
The metadata Json is of the following format:
{"maintainer": string, "copyright": string, "copyright_email": string, "license": string, "version": string}
-o, --output=<value> [default: profile] The output folder to write the generated InSpec content (defaults to profile if
unable to translate xccdf title)
-s, --singleFile Output the resulting controls as a single file
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate xccdf_benchmark2inspec_stub
$ saf generate xccdf_benchmark2inspec_stub -X ./U_RHEL_6_STIG_V2R2_Manual-xccdf.xml -T group --logLevel debug -r
$ saf generate xccdf_benchmark2inspec_stub -X ./CIS_Ubuntu_Linux_18.04_LTS_Benchmark_v1.1.0-xccdf.xml -O ./CIS_Ubuntu_Linux_18.04_LTS_Benchmark_v1.1.0-oval.xml --logLevel debug
Threshold files are used in Continious Integration (CI) to ensure minimum compliance levels and validate control severities and statuses using saf validate threshold
See the wiki for more information on π template files.
generate threshold Generate a compliance template for "saf validate threshold".
Default output states that you must have your current
control counts or better (More Passes and/or less
Fails/Skips/Not Applicable/No Impact/Errors)
$ saf generate threshold -i <hdf-json> [-o <threshold-yaml>] [-h] [-e] [-c]
-c, --generateControlIds Validate control IDs have the correct severity and status
-e, --exact All counts should be exactly the same when validating, not just less than or greater than
-i, --input=<value> (required) Input HDF JSON File
-o, --output=<value> Output Threshold YAML File
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf generate threshold -i rhel7-results.json -e -c -o output.yaml
You can use saf generate spreadsheet2inspec_stub
to generate an InSpec profile stub from a spreadsheet file.
generate spreadsheet2inspec_stub Generate an InSpec profile stub from a CSV STIGs or CIS XLSX benchmarks
$ saf generate spreadsheet2inspec_stub -i, --input=<XLSX or CSV> -o, --output=FOLDER
-M, --mapping=mapping Path to a YAML file with mappings for each field, by default, CIS Benchmark
fields are used for XLSX, STIG Viewer CSV export is used by CSV
-c, --controlNamePrefix=controlNamePrefix Prefix for all control IDs
-f, --format=cis|disa|general [default: general]
-i, --input=input (required)
-e, --encodingHeader Add the "# encoding: UTF-8" comment at the top of each control
-l, --lineLength=lineLength [default: 80] Characters between lines within InSpec controls
-m, --metadata=metadata Path to a JSON file with additional metadata for the inspec.yml file
-o, --output=output (required) [default: profile] Output InSpec profile stub folder
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
saf generate spreadsheet2inspec_stub -i spreadsheet.xlsx -o profile
The converter supports both Stub and CIS styles. The --format
flag is used to specify the required output format. Default is DoD Stub Format.
- Specifying the
flag as eithercis
will parse the input spreadsheet according to the standard formats for CIS Benchmark exports and DISA STIG exports, respectively. - You can also use the
setting (the default) to parse an arbitrary spreadsheet, but if you do so, you must provide a mapping file with the--mapping
flag so thatsaf
can parse the input. - If you provide a non-standard spreadsheet, the first row of values are assumed to be column headers.
Mapping files are YAML files that tell saf
which columns in the input spreadsheet should be parsed. Mapping files are structured as following:
id: # Required
- ID
- "recommendation #"
title: # Required
- Title # You can give more than one column header as a value for an
- title # attribute if you are not sure how it will be spelled in the input.
- Description
- Discussion
- description
impact: 0.5 # If impact is set, its value will be used for every control
- Rationale
- rationale statement
desc.check: # Required
- Audit
- audit procedure
- Remediation
- remediation procedure
desc.additional_information: # You can define arbitrary values under desc and tag
- Additional Information # if you have extra fields to record
- Default Value
ref: # InSpec keyword - saf will check this column for URLs (links to documentation)
- References # and record each address as a ref attribute
Where the keys (title
) are InSpec control attributes and the values (- Title
) are the column headers in the input spreadsheet that correspond to that attribute.
Supplement (ex. read or modify) elements that provide contextual information in an HDF file such as passthrough
or target
Supplement (ex. read or modify) the passthrough
element, which provides contextual information in the Heimdall Data Format results JSON file
EXAMPLE (combined read, modfication, and overwrite of the original file)
$ saf supplement passthrough read -i hdf_with_passthrough.json | jq -rc '.key = "new value"' | xargs -0 -I{} saf supplement passthrough write -i hdf_with_passthrough.json -d {}
Passthrough data can be any context/structure. See the sample below or visit π Supplement HDF files with additional information
"CDM": {
"HWAM": {
"Asset_ID_Tattoo": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-12345acbd5678efgh90",
"Data_Center_ID": "1234-5678-ABCD-1BB1-CC12DD34EE56FF78",
"FQDN": "i-12345acbd5678efgh90.ec2.internal",
"Hostname": "i-12345acbd5678efgh90",
"ipv4": "",
"ipv6": "none defined",
"mac": "02:32:fd:e3:68:a1",
"os": "Linux",
"FISMA_ID": "ABCD2C21-7781-92AA-F126-FF987CZZZZ"
"CSM": {
"Server_Type": "member server",
"source_tool": "InSpec"
supplement passthrough read Read the `passthrough` attribute in a given Heimdall Data Format JSON file and send it to stdout or write it to a file
$ saf supplement passthrough read -i <hdf-json> [-o <passthrough-json>]
-i, --input=<value> (required) An input HDF file
-o, --output=<value> An output `passthrough` JSON file (otherwise the data is sent to stdout)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf supplement passthrough read -i hdf.json -o passthrough.json
supplement passthrough write Overwrite the `passthrough` attribute in a given HDF file with the provided `passthrough` JSON data
$ saf supplement passthrough write -i <input-hdf-json> (-f <input-passthrough-json> | -d <passthrough-json>) [-o <output-hdf-json>]
-d, --passthroughData=<value> Input passthrough-data (can be any valid JSON); this flag or `passthroughFile` must be provided
-f, --passthroughFile=<value> An input passthrough-data file (can contain any valid JSON); this flag or `passthroughData` must be provided
-i, --input=<value> (required) An input Heimdall Data Format file
-o, --output=<value> An output Heimdall Data Format JSON file (otherwise the input file is overwritten)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Passthrough data can be any context/structure. See sample ideas at [,-%60target%60)#:~:text=Settings-,Supplement%20HDF%20files%20with%20additional%20information,-(ex.%20%60passthrough%60%2C%20%60target](,-%60target%60))
Providing passthrough-data
$ saf supplement passthrough write -i hdf.json -d '{"a": 5}'
Using passthrough-data file
$ saf supplement passthrough write -i hdf.json -f passthrough.json -o new-hdf.json
Supplement (ex. read or modify) the target
element, which provides contextual information in the Heimdall Data Format results JSON file
EXAMPLE (combined read, modfication, and overwrite of the original file)
$ saf supplement target read -i hdf_with_target.json | jq -rc '.key = "new value"' | xargs -0 -I{} saf supplement target write -i hdf_with_target.json -d {}
Passthrough data can be any context/structure. See the sample below or visit π Supplement HDF files with additional information
supplement target read Read the `target` attribute in a given Heimdall Data Format JSON file and send it to stdout or write it to a file
$ saf supplement target read -i <hdf-json> [-o <target-json>]
-i, --input=<value> (required) An input HDF file
-o, --output=<value> An output `target` JSON file (otherwise the data is sent to stdout)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
$ saf supplement target read -i hdf.json -o target.json
supplement target write Overwrite the `target` attribute in a given HDF file with the provided `target` JSON data
$ saf supplement target write -i <input-hdf-json> (-f <input-target-json> | -d <target-json>) [-o <output-hdf-json>]
-d, --targetData=<value> Input target-data (can be any valid JSON); this flag or `targetFile` must be provided
-f, --targetFile=<value> An input target-data file (can contain any valid JSON); this flag or `targetData` must be provided
-i, --input=<value> (required) An input Heimdall Data Format file
-o, --output=<value> An output Heimdall Data Format JSON file (otherwise the input file is overwritten)
-h, --help Show CLI help
-L, --logLevel=<option> [default: info] Specify level for logging (if implemented by the CLI command)
<options: info|warn|debug|verbose>
--interactive Collect input tags interactively (not available on all CLI commands)
Target data can be any context/structure. See sample ideas at,-%60target%60)
Providing target-data
$ saf supplement target write -i hdf.json -d '{"a": 5}'
Using target-data file
$ saf supplement target write -i hdf.json -f target.json -o new-hdf.json
- Author:: Will Dower wdower
- Author:: Ryan Lin Rlin232
- Author:: Amndeep Singh Mann Amndeep7
- Author:: Camden Moors camdenmoors
- Author:: Emily Rodriguez em-c-rod
- Author:: George Dias georgedias
Β© 2022 The MITRE Corporation.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-3678.
MITRE hereby grants express written permission to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and otherwise leverage this software to the extent permitted by the licensed terms provided in the file included with this project.
This software was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number HHSM-500-2012-00008I, and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General.
No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation.
For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Management Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.