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Mahesh Jethalia MaheshJethalia
Bioinformatics guy

Kolkata,West bengal, India

Fawad Khan tgfawad
Full stack Software Developer always on the move within Europe.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Chengkun (Charlie) Li CharlieLeee
EPFL PhD student | prev intern @ Google @ ByteDance


Sobhan-Nili SobhanNili
Interested in developing software for streamlining neuroscience research Currently a master student at EPFL Neuro-X program
Zehra Korkusuz zehrakorkusuz

TrueBees 🇮🇹 Trento, Italy

Kenzie MacKinnon Kenmac589
Department of Medical Neuroscience at Dalhousie University
Uzay Gökay uzaygokay
PhD Student in Computer Science @unibonn


Robin Sandfort robinsandfort

capreolus e.U. and micromacro Austria

Ramona Tarantino ramonatarantino
Master's student in Data Science at La Sapienza, graduated in Computer Engineering.


Joana Levtcheva JoeJoe1313
MSc Machine Learning and Data Science @ Imperial College London | ex-VMware

Sofia, Bulgaria

Moien Rangzan moienr
I mean... it's alright.

PhD Student at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and @cvjena Jena, Germany

Anna Teruel-Sanchis anna-teruel

Universitat de València València

Jiangbo Shi Jiangbo-Shi
Computer Vision, Pathological Image Analysis, Multi-modal Learning

Xi'an Jiaotong University

siyuan liu siyuan-liu-casia
phd candidate, musculoskeletal systems, reinforcement learning, biomechanics.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science

Tim Kreslo kreslotim
Student at EPFL in Communication Systems.
Giacomo Amerio Giaco-am
Téchnè Kid


Prachurya Nath prachuryanath
FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg '25 | NITS '23 |

Prachurya Nath Erlangen

Łukasz Furman furmanlukasz
Multidisciplinary Neuroscientist specializing in Brain Signal Analysis & Neural Engineering, focuses on understanding the brain's rhythms.

Datalab108 Poland

Victor Férat vferat

department of basic neurosciences, University of Geneva Genève (CH)

Taha Majlesi tahamajs
Computer Engineering Student, University of Tehran

University Of Tehran Tehran

Mohammad Taha Fakharian tahafkh
Science enthusiast | Enjoy to work on the intersection of mathematics, computer science, neuroscience and machine learning

@DataScience-ECE-UniversityOfTehran Tehran, Iran

BY Zhang BBrianZhang
Pose Estimation & Action Recognition

Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an, China

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Konrad KonradDanielewski

Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS Warsaw, Poland

Florian Kolly FoxYouFR
Neuro-X student @epfl, Python, JS and Java mostly; French / English / German / Finnish / Esperanto ; I want to understand the links between AI and neuro!

EPFL Switzerland

Boshi An boshi-an
Graduated from PKU, now in EPFL Lausanne

Beijing, China

István Sárándi isarandi
Postdoc in computer vision and machine learning, making machines see people better

Real Virtual Humans, University of Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

Mino_Qin Minotaur-CN


Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
JunYoung-Kim rlawnsdud99
BCI-AI researcher & Combined MS/PhD student

Korea University Department of Artificial Intelligence 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Lucas Stoffl LucZot
PhD student