WabbitMQ is a Clojure messaging library for use with RabbitMQ. It wraps RabbitMQ's Java AMQP client library (v2.2.0).
First add the following to your project.clj
[com.mefesto/wabbitmq "0.1.5"]
Next, let's setup a binding between a test exchange and queue. You could do the binding within your
producer/consumer code but I like to separate this out so the producer/consumers only need to be concerned
with their respective exchanges or queues and not how they are bound. For example, you can start out with
a direct
exchange and later change to a topic
with routing-key pattern matching without impacting the
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq)
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(exchange-declare "test.exchange" "direct")
(queue-declare "test.queue")
(queue-bind "test.queue" "test.exchange" "test")))
Now let's implement a simple producer for our test exchange:
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq)
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(with-exchange "test.exchange"
(publish "test" (.getBytes "Hello world!"))))) ; test is the routing-key
And here is a simple consumer:
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq)
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(with-queue "test.queue"
(doseq [msg (consuming-seq true)] ; consumes messages with auto-acknowledge enabled
(println "received:" (String. (:body msg)))))))
WabbitMQ depends on RabbitMQ's Java client which passes messages around as a byte-array. It would be more convenient to pass messages around as strings or objects and let the library handle the conversion. So, WabbitMQ allows you to provide different content-type handlers for altering the message body. Below is an example:
;; example producer
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq
(def supported-content-types
(def props {:content-type "application/json"})
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(with-channel {:content-types supported-content-types}
(with-exchange "test.exchange"
(publish "test" props {:fname "Allen" :lname "Johnson"}))))
;; example consumer
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(with-channel {:content-types [application-json]}
(with-queue "test.queue"
(doseq [{body :body} (consuming-seq true)]
(println (str "received: firstname=" (:fname body) ", lastname=" (:lname body)))))))
A content-type handler is a vector of three functions:
- A test to determine if this handler supports the given content-type.
- An encoding function that takes the message and converts it to a byte-array.
- A decoding function that takes a byte-array and converts it to some data type.
Provided are basic implementations for text/plain, application/json and application/clojure. Take a look
at src/com/mefesto/wabbitmq/content_type.clj
for more information about content-type handlers.
You should use a separate channel per thread. Here is an example of a consumer using multiple threads to process messages:
;; producer
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(with-channel {:content-types [text-plain]}
(with-exchange "test.exchange"
(dotimes [_ 10]
(publish "test" {:content-type "text/plain"} "Hello, world!")))))
;; consumer
(use 'com.mefesto.wabbitmq
(def num-consumers 5)
(defn consumer []
(with-channel {:content-types [text-plain]}
(with-queue "test.queue"
(doseq [{body :body} (consuming-seq true)]
(println (str (Thread/currentThread) " received: " body))))))
(with-broker {:host "localhost" :username "guest" :password "guest"}
(invoke-consumers num-consumers consumer))
For use with the with-broker
(default: localhost):port
(default: -1):virtual-host
(default: /):username
(default: guest):password
(default: guest):requested-channel-max
Vector ofcom.rabbitmq.client.Address
(default: nil)
For use with the with-channel
Request a specific channel number (default: nil):content-types
List of content-type handlers (default: nil):default-consumer
Instance ofcom.rabbitmq.client.Consumer
(default: nil):confirm-listener
Instance ofcom.rabbitmq.client.ConfirmListenr
(default: nil):flow-listener
Instance ofcom.rabbitmq.client.FlowListener
(default: nil):return-listener
Instance ofcom.rabbitmq.client.ReturnListener
(default: nil)
For use with the with-exchange
Exchange name (default: ""):type
Exchange type (default: "direct"):passive?
Declare the exchange passively (default: false):durable?
Exchange should be durable (default: false):auto-delete?
(default: false):args
instance of java.util.Map<String, Object> (default: nil)
For use with the with-queue
Queue name (default: nil):passive?
Declare the queue passively (default: false):durable?
Queue should be durable (default: false):exclusive?
(default: false):auto-delete?
(default: false):args
instance of java.util.Map<String, Object> (default: nil)
This is a Clojure map of the following properties. This map is converted to an instance of
String - This value is required by content-type handlers (nil for byte-array messages):correlation-id
Integer - Use value 2 for persistent messages:expiration
java.util.Map<String, Object>:message-id
pulls messages from the currently bound queue using the com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer
The full function signature is (consuming-seq auto-ack? timeout)
with overridden versions with the following
boolean indicating if messages are auto-acknowledged (default: false)timeout
Block for the given timeout in milliseconds. A value of zero blocks indefinitely. (default: 0)
In order to run tests you'll need RabbitMQ locally installed. The tests will try to connect with the following configuration:
{:host "localhost"
:username "guest"
:password "guest"
:virtual-host "/test"}
You'll probably have to create the /test
$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost /test
$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /test guest . . .
- Documentation, especially in the source code.
- Better tests
- Better handling of multiple channels (threads)
- Better error handling
- Bug fixes, enhancements as they are identified
Copyright (C) 2010 Allen Johnson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file COPYING.