A validator image is the image representing your validator. It will be displayed on the validator page.
Example on ORAI Scan: https://scan.orai.io/validators/oraivaloper1uhcwtfntsvk8gpwfxltesyl4e28aalmq9v9z0x
Example on Scanium: https://scanium.io/Oraichain/staking/oraivaloper1uhcwtfntsvk8gpwfxltesyl4e28aalmq9v9z0x
- Go to your validator page.
- Double-click on the validator image.
- Select your image.
- The final step is to approve your request.
Scanium fetches the image from your Keybase account. If you don’t have a Keybase account, create one and get your public Keybase ID string (in this example, it’s 2798DB6D73F30696
If you haven't updated your identity value yet, create a transaction to update your validator info:
oraid tx staking edit-validator \
--identity "your-keybase-id" \
--chain-id Oraichain \
--from wallet \
--gas-adjustment 1.4 \
--gas auto \
--gas-prices 0.01orai \
The final step is to change your Keybase account avatar to the image you want.