IBC-enabled Layer 1 to verify multidimensional trustworthiness of AI and to build Web3 applications with unique AI blockchain oracle.
Docs for the network can be found at docs.orai.io. Some repositories of interest:
- oraibridge - Multichain evm-based (included tron network) to cosmos bridge, act as Oraichain subnetwork.
- universal-swap - Single step operation to swap tokens between evm-based chains and cosmos-based chains.
- orai - A cosmos-sdk based framework that supports multiversion of cosmwasm, and zkVm to scale your dApp and reduce costs on L2 without compromising on security, by facilitating zero knowledge proofs.
- cw-simulate - An online playground / simulation environment for interacting with CosmWasm contract binaries without a blockchain. Can be used for execution visualization / interactive debugging with time-traveling navigation, and testing framework that is compatible with CosmWasm/ts-codegen output.
- cwtools - A super fast and cross-platform alternative to rust-optimizer that produces optimized wasm files. Written in Typescript, supporting watch mode, parallel builds, and ts-codegen sharing common dependencies.
- cosmwasm-studio - Monaco IDE that supports CosmWasm. It allows developers to code, build smart contracts and execute functions through a simulation. It supports its own rust-analyzer in Web Assembly so developers can code it the same as local VS Code.