OWallet supports both Cosmos-based and EVM-based networks including Cosmos Hub, Oraichain, Osmosis, Juno, Ethereum, BSC, and more.
OWallet is developed based on Keplr and MetaMask source code and currently maintained by Oraichain Labs.
Source code: https://github.com/oraichain/owallet
OWallet website: https://owallet.dev
(You can create a pull request to add your network)
Supporting chains: Oraichain, Injective, OraiBridge, Kawaiiverse Cosmos, Kawaiiverse EVM, Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Juno, Noble, Bitcoin-segwit, BNBChain, Ethereum, TRON.
OWallet mobile features
- Support managing multiple accounts, easily switching between one to another
- Create a new wallet with Mnemonic, import the existing wallet with a mnemonic, private key, or ledger
- Transfer tokens within chains
- Browse to other dApps: OraiDEX, OraiScan, Orchai, etc.
- Manage a variety of assets associated with the user's wallet: Buy, transfer, view balances, and check real-time prices and volumes..
- Manage your stakings on Mainnet (delegation) and claim rewards
- View transaction history, and get notifications with all of the balance changes.
- Incoming: Universal Swap
OWallet extension
- Support managing multiple accounts, easily switching between one to another
- Create a new wallet with the mnemonic, import the existing wallet with a Mnemonic, private key, or ledger
- Transfer tokens within chains
- Manage a variety of assets: View balance & transfer
- Manage networks: Add and remove
- Incoming: Universal Swap
App Store: IOS
Google Play Store: Android
Google Web Store: Extension
To sign in, you have 3 options with Owallet as below.
A default wallet will be created on Oraichain if you choose to create a new wallet. Make sure to note the Mnemonic phrases down and keep it safe in case you need to import your wallet elsewhere.
Note that you should not share Mnemonic/Private Key with anyone else including Oraichain members.