PyFCM Public
Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android, iOS and Web)
Awesome-ARKit Public
A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
tpc-whatsapp-api Public
Forked from lukman008/tpc-whatsapp-apiObserver Bot for The People's Count
JavaScript UpdatedMar 14, 2023 -
Awesome-ARCore Public
A curated list of awesome ARCore projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
AppFramer Public
AppFramer helps to put your app screenshots in beautiful device frames with annotations by running a simple command
RemindMeOfThisTweet Public
Forked from shalvah/RemindMeOfThisTweet🤖 Twitter bot to set reminders for tweets.
safari-reader-js Public
Forked from amumu-dev/safari-reader-jsJS Safari Reader source code.
platform_frameworks_base Public
Forked from aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base -
MQ135-ADS1115-Python Public
Forked from danielcshn/MQ135-ADS1115-PythonMQ135 & ADS1115 Working on Raspberry Pi. Measurement in PPM.
Kanary-Mini-Twitter-Clone Public
This is a proof of concept RestAPI written in Kotlin and built with Kanary web framework
Cwitter Public
This is the AngularJS frontend of the Mini Twitter Clone built with Kanary web framework
made-in-nigeria Public
Forked from acekyd/made-in-nigeriaIt is rumored that Nigerians only know how to consume tools and not create them. Here is a curation of awesome tools built by Nigerians that can be used by anybody and from anywhere in the world.
Next-17-Extended Public
Cloud Vision demo at Next '17 Extended - Ibadan
go-sqlite3 Public
Forked from mattn/go-sqlite3sqlite3 driver for go that using database/sql
world-universities-csv Public
Forked from endSly/world-universities-csvList of all universities in the world in CSV
KDCircularProgress Public
Forked from kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgressA circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
tornado-es Public
Forked from globocom/tornado-esA tornado-powered python library that provides asynchronous access to elasticsearch
ViewAnimationDemo Public
How to create simple, cool and smooth animations in iOS with a few lines of code in Swift, using the UIKit framework.
tornado-shortener Public
Forked from nellessen/tornado-shortenerURL Shortener based on Python, Tornado, Redis
tornado-postgresql Public
Forked from 1q84/tornado-postgresqlA lightweight wrapper around psycopg2 DB-API connections.
lookout Public
Forked from delan/lookoutlightweight, web-based server monitoring