See the docs
folder to see how to quickly spin up a local test Kitti development environment!
- Automatically assigns the
role to members who qualify for it (previously mods had to manually assign it). - Answers questions targeted to her with a magic 8 ball response.
- Detects reposted images (especially useful for meme repost detection).
command: Returns a piece of life advice :)/deletesinquiry
command: Returns a list of the users which have the most amount of deleted messages./emojicloud
command: Returns a 'wordcloud' of all emojis (unicode and custom emojis -- animated included!) used to-date by a specified user./emojilovers
command: For a specified emoji in the server, returns the top 5 users of it in order./emojistats
command: Returns information regarding how often a specified user has used a specific emoji./emojiusage
command: For a specified emoji for a specified user, returns the amount of times the user has used said emoji./fact
command: Returns a random fact // common misconception./fortune
command: Returns a random fortune. Beware!/messageboard
command: Returns a bar graph of the top 10 users in terms of all-time total messages sent. There's atype
option field which has 3 graph representation types to choose from:lightmode
: Returns the graph (matlibplot image) in a light-mode colour scheme.darkmode
: Returns the graph (matlibplot image) in a dark-mode colour scheme.native
: Returns of a horizontal block bar chart in native Discord message format.
- If no option is specified the
graph is returned by default.
command: Returns the total server message count alongside the requester's total message count./pickupline
command: Returns a pickup line. Use at your own risk.+ping
command: Kitti returns to you a heartbeat latency message./say
command: Writes a custom text message encapsulated in something rather interesting.../translate
command: Translates text to and from English. There's 2 option fields. The first is the text, and the second is the language you want to translate into (you write the language code;
for french). If you don't specify the language code (i.e. leaving this option field blank), then it assumes you want to translate the text you write into English./userinfo
command: This command returns interesting information about a specified user (specified through thetarget
option field). If no member is specified, the command returns info of whoever issued the command. There's also atype
option field which has 2 choices:general
: Returns an embed containing general information such as account creation date, server join date etc.emoji
: Returns an embed of the top 5 used emojis of the user, their total messages, and what 'rank' they are in terms of total messages sent.
- If no option is specified, the
type is chosen by default.
command: Returns a 'wordcloud' of all unicode emojis used to-date by a specified user./setprompt
command: Set prompt for Gemini LLM queries.- All commands have a 10-second cooldown period (per user), and are generally called in using command form.
- There are several other Easter Eggs in Kitti easily discovered through usage ;)
- Kitti is an open-source, community-powered bot for the
Discord server. - This bot is made using Hikari & Lightbulb. These are two nice & simple Python libraries.
- Note: Python version 3.11 is required.
- The docs for these two libraries are &
- The following get-started guide is very nice if you want to quickly understand how these libraries work:
- Pull requests are very much accepted (and encouraged!) if you want to add features to the bot & server :)
- If you want to play around with it, you will need to use your own bot token. You could then invite your own bot (with the token you got) to your own personal server and play around with it there for testing (this is all in the above guide) :)
- After cloning the repo, you can install the required dependencies (listed in
) using the commandpip install -r requirements.txt
. - The bot is then made alive by simply running:
- For readability purposes, if you want to add a function/command, please write it in a new python file placed in the
folder -- just like theuserinfo
commands are. - Important: If you want to develop/contribute/test/play-around, you will need to create a
file and inside it add your bot token (as explained in the guide), and the 'default guild' IDs. It will need to be like:BOT_TOKEN = 123456
andDEFAULT_GUILDS = 123456,56789
(comma-seperated list). Specifying guild IDs in.env
is not neccessary, and actually the act of specifying certain IDs to it (can be many guilds) means that slash commands will only be available in those guilds. The benefit of specifying default guilds is that the slash commands become available instantly in those servers, which is good for testing purposes. Note: 'guild' means Discord server. - So, to be clear, your
file should be located in the top layer of the repository (same level
) and could look like this:
BOT_TOKEN = 123456 # Your bot’s token from the Discord Developer Portal.
DEFAULT_GUILDS = 123456,56789 # The 'default guilds' -- these instantly load slash comamands. Can be empty.
FORTUNE_DIRECTORY=/usr/share/games/fortunes # Location of where fortunes is installed on your machine.
NOTALURKER_ROLE=11111111111111111 # The role ID for the notAlurker role.
ORIGINALITY_CHANNEL_ID=11111111111111111 # The channel you want the originality feature to operate in.
PHASH_TH=40 # Perceptual hash threshold for meme repost
CHASH_TH=40 # Color hash threshold for meme repost
RANK_CHANGE_FLOOR=30 # Only users above this rank will be announced when they overtake someone
GEMINI_API_KEY=abcd # Access to google gemini LLM
BOT_ADMIN_ROLE=11111111111111111 # Role has access to some commands
RANT_AND_VENT_CHANNEL_ID=11111111111111111 # The channel you want rantpatrol to be active in
MEME_CHANNEL_ID=1111111111111111 # your meme channel where kitti will rate memes posted
REASONER_MEME=true #whether meme reasoning is enabled
- Run
on PR - we enforce this on PRs! - The
command requires thefortunes
package to be installed and pointed to by theFORTUNE_DIRECTORY
variable in.env
.- If you're on Linux you can install
withsudo apt-get install -y fortune
and in.env
- If you're on macOS you can install
withbrew install fortune
and in.env
- I don't have Windows so if you develop on Windows you'll have to find how to download the
package yourself. If you can't find it it's fine, it just means the+fortune
command won't work during testing (but everything else should). - You may optionally white-list and black-list database files by setting
to a space-separated list of database file names.
- If you're on Linux you can install
- The bot can grant a role to members when they first send a text message. Conventionally, this role is called
. To enable this feature theNOTALURKER_ROLE
parameter in.env
must be set to the role ID to grant. The bot's role must be higher than this role to have permission to grant it. - The bot is easily deployed on a cloud server (e.g. droplet on Digital Ocean which runs Ubuntu 20.04).
For the docker deployment, just create the .env
file as above but do not add the FORTUNE_DIRECTORY, and then execute the following commands:
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
- Resolve outstanding issues noted in
. - Perhaps a unimelb-handbook webscraping related command? The repo already uses a webscraper (
) you could use! - Greeting new people when they join the server in
. - Getting Kitti to reply to someone if they thank Kitti (e.g.:
Thanks @Kitti!
...You're welcome @____ 🐱
). - Add programming/CS related facts to the fact 'database'. The database is currently a list of strings whereby each string is a fact/common-misconception scraped from a Wikipedia page.
- Implement some sort of natural language processing thing (neural network?) that does something to do with text analysis (e.g. off a message that someone sends). This is some next level stuff, but hey, if there's an interest then why not? 😃
- Implement a creative command you have of your own!
This software distributes the Noto Emoji font, under the terms of the SIL Open Font License. See fonts/OFL.txt
for details.