- userspace virtual input devices
- pipe created at /tmp/cl-uinput-pipe for /dev/uinput access
- multiplex, filter, and process input devices with Common Lisp
- apt-get install libfixposix-dev
- http://github.com/jtgans/cl-evdev
- http://github.com/jtgans/cl-event-handler
- https://github.com/cffi-posix/fd-gray
- https://github.com/sionescu/iolib
- run (load-dependencies) in cl-uinput.lisp
- (load "cl-uinput.asd") (ql:quickload :cl-uinput)
- see C dependencies in uinput_listener.c
- (load "cl-uinput.asd")
- (ql:quickload :cl-uinput)
- gcc uinput_listener.c -o uinput_listener
- uinput documentation: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.12/input/uinput.html
- see github.com/jtgans/cl-evdev for linux input device events
- see https://who-t.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-difference-between-uinput-and-evdev.html for an introduction to uinput virtual devices
(write-uinput-pipe "boo!")
(start-evdev-listener "/dev/input/event4")
(usleep 1500)
;; enter keyboard input
- start/stop virtual-devices uinput_listener
- start/stop evdev input device -> virtual-device
- register evdev binds (evdev -> uninput_listener keys (Esc -> Ret))
- sbcl evdev keys global REPL then
- record -> uinput pipe
- register /dev/input/event4 virtual device events (send-key)
- key macro uinput_listener, from record (hotkey begin)
- define and send macros from keyboard -> SBCL -> uinput virtual device
- tests