This code is the result of the work related to my master thesis. The goal of my thesis was to reconstruct 3D faces from front and side images. This was achieved through building on the works in PRN.
The code contains:
- a demo for the proposed method, taking a frontal and side image and generating a 3D facial mesh (.obj)
- a new network which predicts position maps from 2 image inputs
- training code to train the new network
- evaluation code for use on the MICC Florence dataset
- code for reading and generating training data for our network from 300W-LP
Python 3.6 (numpy, skimage, scipy)
TensorFlow-gpu = 1.15.0
keras = 2.3.1
This conda environment was able to run on a Windows computer with GTX 1070 GPU on 09.06.2020.
conda create --name face-recon python=3.6
conda activate face-recon
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install -c anaconda scikit-image
conda install -c conda-forge dlib
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install -c anaconda keras-gpu
- Clone the repository.
git clone
cd face-reconstruction
- Clone the ICP repository to face-reconstruction folder.
git clone
- Clone face3d repository to face-reconstruction folder.
git clone
- Download trained model and shape predictor for keypoints (Not for long hopefully..)
Navigate to the net-data folder
cd Data/net-data
add the files from this folder:
- Run demo
cd ../..