A command line client (cli) to migrate an IPFS CID to an object in JDCloud's object storage (oss)
- Step1: register JDCloud account.
- Step2: generate access key (https://uc.jdcloud.com/account/accesskey).
- Step3: enable OSS Service & create a bucket (https://oss-console.jdcloud.com/space)
- Step4: upload an object to bucket.
go build -mod vendor .
View cli help text for details on flags and environment variables
ipfs-to-oss -help
Copy cid QmYVo8wfic7TvDUL9fcdM8bze5KKrL4QMdKn5LE2jwzMp9
to oss bucket at path guides/examples/pinning
ipfs-to-oss -cid=QmYVo8wfic7TvDUL9fcdM8bze5KKrL4QMdKn5LE2jwzMp9 -output=guides/examples/pinning
Visit page with link https://oss-console.jdcloud.com/edgeStorage?tab=files
to check task result.
Thanks to small_fish__ for initial code example