We are adding coloured stave lines to an existing sheet music image. This makes the sheet music more readable to people with dyslexia. (Alissa to expand on this description about what this webpage is doing to the sheet music and why)
Rainbow Staves is currently available for use at it's current temporary location - https://offworldcoder.github.io/rainbow-staves
All processing is done in the browser. No files are uploaded to any servers. We use the opencv.js library to find the stave positions in the sheet music image. At this point we could draw coloured lines over the staves but this will also draw the line ontop of the notes which makes the music less readable. To improve readability we find the quarter notes and try to draw the coloured stave lines around them.
Here we show the original sheet music image at the top. Below that is the same image after we add our coloured stave lines.
Example created using googles https://flat.io/
Javascript OpenCV examples: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/dc/de6/tutorial_js_nodejs.html
Python OpenCv example on stackoverflow to find horizontal lines in image: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7227074/horizontal-line-detection-with-opencv
Official OpenCv tutorial on morph lines which happens to be an example of finding and removing stave lines from sheet music: https://docs.opencv.org/master/dd/dd7/tutorial_morph_lines_detection.html
cadenCV sheet to midi project https://github.com/afikanyati/cadenCV