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Add support for directory listings in Staticmod
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Add a simple generator for directory listings:
- the listings are unstyled
- the generation must load the full directory (so that the entries can
  be sorted)
- consequently the generation should probably not be enabled when there
  are huge directories (which are usually a bad idea anyhow)
  • Loading branch information
shym committed Jan 31, 2025
1 parent 7950e0a commit fdff96c
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 11 deletions.
96 changes: 85 additions & 11 deletions src/extensions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,27 +116,101 @@ let find_static_page ~request ~usermode ~dir ~(err : Cohttp.Code.status)
"Staticmod: cannot use '..' in user paths")

(* Borrowed from TyXML:lib/ (and wrapped) to avoid the dependency *)
let html_of_string s =
let is_control c =
let cc = Char.code c in
cc <= 8 || cc = 11 || cc = 12 || (14 <= cc && cc <= 31) || cc = 127
let add_unsafe_char b = function
| '<' -> Buffer.add_string b "&lt;"
| '>' -> Buffer.add_string b "&gt;"
| '"' -> Buffer.add_string b "&quot;"
| '&' -> Buffer.add_string b "&amp;"
| c when is_control c ->
Buffer.add_string b "&#";
Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int (Char.code c));
Buffer.add_string b ";"
| c -> Buffer.add_char b c
let encode_unsafe_char s =
let b = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
String.iter (add_unsafe_char b) s;
Buffer.contents b
encode_unsafe_char s
(* End of borrowed code *)

let respond_dir relpath dname : (Cohttp.Response.t * Cohttp_lwt.Body.t) Lwt.t =
let readsortdir =
(* Read a complete directory and sort its entries *)
let chunk_size = 1024 in
let rec aux entries dir =
Lwt_unix.readdir_n dir chunk_size >>= fun chunk ->
let entries = chunk :: entries in
if Array.length chunk < chunk_size
then Lwt.return entries
else aux entries dir
Lwt_unix.opendir dname >>= fun dir ->
(fun () ->
aux [] dir >|= fun entries ->
List.sort compare (List.concat_map Array.to_list entries))
(fun () -> Lwt_unix.closedir dir)
(fun () ->
readsortdir >>= fun entries ->
let title = html_of_string ("Directory listing for /" ^ relpath) in
let entries =
| "." | ".." -> None
| e ->
(Printf.sprintf "<li><a href=\"%t\">%t</a></li>"
(fun () -> Ocsigen_lib.Url.encode ~plus:false e)
(fun () -> html_of_string e)))
(* Chunks of [html (head (title x) []) (body [h1 [x]; ul y])] *)
let chunk1 =
{|<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""><head><title>|}
and chunk2 = {|</title></head><body><h1>|}
and chunk3 = {|</h1><ul>|}
and chunkend = {|</ul></body></html>|} in
let doc =
chunk1 :: title :: chunk2 :: title :: chunk3 :: (entries @ [chunkend])
let headers = Cohttp.Header.init_with "content-type" "text/html" in
( Cohttp.Response.make ~status:`OK ~headers ()
, Cohttp_lwt.Body.of_string_list doc ))
| Unix.Unix_error _ -> Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.respond_not_found ()
| exn -> exn)

let gen ~usermode ?cache dir = function
| Ocsigen_extensions.Req_found _ ->
Lwt.return Ocsigen_extensions.Ext_do_nothing
| Ocsigen_extensions.Req_not_found
(err, ({Ocsigen_extensions.request_info; _} as request)) ->
let try_block () =
Lwt_log.ign_info ~section "Is it a static file?";
let pathstring =
Ocsigen_lib.Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false
(Ocsigen_request.sub_path request_info)
let status_filter, page =
let pathstring =
Ocsigen_lib.Url.string_of_url_path ~encode:false
(Ocsigen_request.sub_path request_info)
find_static_page ~request ~usermode ~dir ~err ~pathstring
let fname =
match page with
| Ocsigen_local_files.RFile fname -> fname
| Ocsigen_local_files.RDir _ ->
failwith "FIXME: staticmod dirs not implemented"
Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.respond_file ~fname () >>= fun answer ->
(match page with
| Ocsigen_local_files.RFile fname ->
Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.respond_file ~fname ()
| Ocsigen_local_files.RDir dname -> respond_dir pathstring dname)
>>= fun answer ->
let answer = Ocsigen_response.of_cohttp answer in
let answer =
if not status_filter
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