A used goods sales platform, for those who want to dispose of products that are no longer useful in their daily lives
##Original project is private##
User (Not logged in)
- Registration using email and password
- Login using your Google account
- View ads and contact details of the advertiser
- Communication with phone and Whatsapp integration (No need to add to contacts)
User (Logged in)
- Profile management
- Favourite items management
- Announcements management (Owner)
Technologies used
- Design whit XML
- Java 8
- Retrofit (For API)
- OkHttpClient (Conection management )
- GsonConvertFactory (Serialization JSON)
- Lottie Animation (for Animations After Effects)
- Carouselview (For image viewing)
- Android-SpinKit (Para loadings animados)
Development environment
- Android Studio
More details about application backend and database go https://github.com/nuLL-cmd/aol-api
Original project is private