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Temporal Pages

Karl Voit edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 1 revision

Page Types > Temporal Pages

These pages are associated with a certain (first) publishing date. The date of the most recent update is derived from the most recent time-stamp when you are marking the heading as DONE

URLs end up like where “this-is-the-ID” is derived from the ID-property. The date is taken from the oldest time-stamp when the heading was marked as DONE. If the ID starts with an ISO date, this date gets truncated: “2014-03-30-this-is-the-ID” gets “this-is-the-ID”

  • reason: you can use general terms like “sports” without worrying that another heading has “sports” as ID as well (“2014-03-30-sports” is pretty unique in contrast to “sports”).
  • hey, isn’t this nice or what?
  • criteria (as already mentioned above)
    1. status is DONE
    2. tag: blog
    3. :ID: property set
    4. :LOGBOOK: contains a state change time-stamp to DONE

Minimal example:

** DONE I Bought A New Bike                            :blog:
CLOSED: [2017-06-18 Sun 11:59]
:ID: new-bike
:CREATED:  [2017-06-18 Sun 11:59]
- State "DONE"       from ""       [2017-06-18 Sun 11:59]


My new bike is wonderful…
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