Fluke 9000A Probe Repro Project for the 9010A Microsystem Troubleshooter
Since these have become virtually unobtainable, I decided to try my best to make a repro which is as close as possible to the original’s physical appearance and electrical layout.
This project includes
- Gerber archive to order the PCB’s with your manufacturer of choice
- The KiCAD files of the board if you want to make any changes
- Freecad file of the probe’s case:
- I tried to keep the the case as close as possible to the original, but also printable with a ‚normal‘ 3d printer (see manual) so internally it is a bit simplified.
- not all sketches are fully constraint, I did not want to spent an unnecessary amount of time.
- I printed the case with black PLA, the windows with clear/natural PLA and the cable guide with flexible TPU which worked quite well.
- A build manual which includes a BOM and part numbers for DigiKey.
To complete the build you will need moderate SMD soldering and tinkering skills as well as a bit of patience.
Of course I cannot be responsible for any damage you do to yourself or your fluke mainframe; however, I have built 2 probes and they seem to work flawlessly.